- 城山英明「多国間主義のレジリエンス-重層性、専門家・地方政府ネットワーク、セキュリティ化、国内制度構造」、『反グローバリズム再考:国際経済秩序を揺るがす危機要因の研究 「世界経済研究会」最終報告書』(国際問題研究所、2020年3月)、221-242頁、査読無)
- 城山英明「社会的意思決定における投票の役割」(『Voters』54号、2020年2月、3頁、査読無)
- 城山英明「グローバルリスク・ガバナンスとその限界」(『思想』1149号、2020年1月、142-165頁)
- AitongLi, YuanXu, Hideaki Shiroyama (2019), “Solar lobby and energy transition in Japan”, Energy Policy, Vol, 34, November 2019, p. 110950.
- 城山英明「人と機械の役割分担」(『季刊行政管理研究』167号、2019年9月、1-4頁)
- 城山英明「行政におけるAI・ロボット等の活用の展望と課題」(『行政&情報システム』580号、55巻4号、2019年8月、29-33頁)
- 城山英明「SDGs未来都市の系譜と今後の課題」(『都市問題』110巻7号、2019年7月、51-61頁)
- 松尾真紀子、立川雅司「食・農分野における新たなバイオテクノロジーをめぐるガバナンス上の課題ーゲノム編集技術を中心に(Governance of New Biotechnology in Food and Agricultural Sector Case of Genome Editing)」『日本リスク研究学会誌』vol.29, No.1, 59-71, 2019.
- 松尾真紀子「リスクの相互依存と複合化への政策的対応」『リスク学辞典』丸善,第3章、第16項pp.174-175, 2019.
- 行政改革とマニュアルの生成、その絶えざる悪循環について (特集 コンプライアンス社会) 羅 芝賢 現代思想 47(13) 111 - 118 2019年10月
- 統一地方選挙から「自治」を考える (特集 地方選挙への視角) 羅 芝賢 都市問題 110(7) 28 - 32 2019年7月
- 角和昌浩「HS-FCC技術開発の歴史」 石油学会 『ペトロテック』、2020.3
- Quentin Verspieren and Hideaki Shiroyama. “From the Seas to Outer Space: the Reverse Dynamics of Civil-Military Situational Awareness Information and Responsibility Sharing,” Space Policy 50, November 2019. doi:10.1016/j.spacepol.2019.07.003
- Yuri Takaya-Umehara, Quentin Verspieren and Goutham Karthikeyan. “The Principle of Non-Appropriation and the Exclusive Uses of LEO by Large Satellite Constellations,” Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 2018, November 2019.
- Quentin Verspieren, Yoshihide Aoyanagi, Takeshi Matsumoto, Takayoshi Fukuyo, Toshihiro Obata, Shinichi Nakasuka. “CubeSat-Based Low-Cost Communication Network and its Utilisation for Capacity Building in Developing Countries,” 70th International Astronautical Congress, Washington, DC, October 2019.
- Quentin Verspieren. “Military Influence on International Regime-Making for Space Traffic Management: Explaining the Evolution of SSA Data Transparency at the US Department of Defense,” 70th International Astronautical Congress, Washington, DC, October 2019.
- Quentin Verspieren, Takeshi Matsumoto, Yoshihide Aoyanagi, Takayoshi Fukuyo, Toshihiro Obata, Shinichi Nakasuka, George Kwizera and Joseph Abakunda. “Store and Forward 3U CubeSat Project TRICOM and Its Utilizations for Development and Education: the cases of TRICOM-1R and JPRWASAT,” 32nd International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, Fukui, Japan, June 2019.
- Hiroshi Ohashi, Electric Vehicle Charging Management Using Auction Mechanism for Reducing PV Curtailment in Distribution Systems, (with H. Kikusato, Y. Fujimoto, S. Hanada, D. Isogawa, S. Yoshizawa, Y. Hayashi), IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 2019.
- Hiroshi Ohashi, Price Effects of Target Ratcheting: A Progress Report on Medical Devices (with D. Isogawa), Japanese Economic Review, 70(3):331-340, 2019.
- 五十川大也「Price Effects of Target Ratcheting: A Progress Report on Medical Devices」(Daiya Isogawa, Hiroshi Ohashi) Japanese Economic Review、Vol.70(3), 2019年8月
- Ahl, Amanda, Masaru Yarime, Kenji Tanaka, and Daishi Sagawa, "Review of Blockchain-Based Distributed Energy: Implications for Institutional Development," Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 107, 200-211, 2019.
- Kazuyuki Motohashi, Christian Rammer (2020.3) " Digitalization and New Product Development in Manufacturing SMEs: A Comparative Study of Germany and Japan;, RIETI Policy Discussion Paper 20-P-007
- Kazuyuki Motohashi (2020.2)" Science and Technology Co-evolution in AI: Empirical Understanding through a Linked Dataset of Scientific Articles and Patents;, RIETI Discussion Paper 20-E010
- Yongli Tang, Kazuyuki Motohashi, Xinyue Hu, Angeles Montoro-Sanchez, "University-industry interaction and product innovation performance of Guangdong manufacturing firms: the roles of regional proximity and research quality of universities", The Journal of Technology Transfer, 2019, 1-41
- Dong Huo, Kazuyuki Motohashi, Han Gong " Team diversity as dissimilarity and variety in organizational innovation", Research Policy, 48(6), 1564-1572, 2019.
- 吉岡(小林)徹「日米欧中韓の意匠制度の差異が意匠登録の動向に与える影響の実証分析」『Design Protect』122, 9-14, 2019.
- Yoshioka-Kobayashi, T. (2019), "Institutional factors for academic entrepreneurship in publicly-owned universities: The case of a transition from a conservative anti-industry university collaboration culture to a leading entrepreneurial university," Science, Technology and Society, 24(2), 423-445.
- Shibayama, S. Sustainable development of science and scientists: Academic training in life science labs. Research Policy, 48(3): 676-692, 2019.
1 研究関連(Research)
1-3 STIG参画教員による科学技術イノベーション政策に関連する成果
論文(査読論文、招待論文、大学紀要 他)・報告書
- 江間有沙・城山英明「AIのガバナンス」(稲葉振一郎・大屋雄裕・成原彗・福田雅樹・渡辺智暁編『人工知能と人間・社会』勁草書房、297-344頁、2020年2月、査読無)
- 羅 芝賢(2019)『番号を創る権力 —日本における番号制度の成立と展開』東京大学出版会
- Hideaki Shiroyama, “Energy Transition in Japan - Preference for PV and Recent Attempt for Balancing”(International Workshop on Climate Change and Sustainable Development; Public Health and Policy, 東京大学本郷キャンパス・東京)(2020年2月17日)
- Hideaki Shiroyama, “Mapping the Issues of Emerging Technologies and Governance of Them”(Governance of Emerging Technologies- Framing Benefits and Risks of Biotech and AI risks: Workshop in Tokyo 2020, 東京大学本郷キャンパス・東京)(2020年2月2日)
- 城山英明「リスクガバナンスの制度設計と運用上の課題-食品安全と原子力安全の比較の観点から」(第1回 CIGS「脱炭素エネルギーと法」ワークショップ「科学と社会が接するとき―食品安全政策を例に―」, キヤノングローバル戦略研究所・東京)(2020年1月22日)
- 城山英明「日本のAIガバナンスとその課題」(東京大学大学院法学政治学研究科・北京大学法学院第5回交流研究会, 上海財経大学, 上海・中華人民共和国)(2019年12月8日)
- Hideaki Shiroyama, “Governance of Interconnected Risks – Comparative Cases”(The 2nd UTokyo-Copenhagen Conference on International Relations, 東京大学本郷キャンパス・東京)(2019年10月25日)
- 城山英明「重層的多国間主義の強靭性」(日本国際政治学会2019年度研究大会, 朱鷺メッセ・新潟市)(2019年10月20日)
- Hideaki Shiroyama, “Framing the Impacts of the Use of Automated System concerning Public Service in Japan and Facilitating Policies to Realize Social Benefits”(IIAS Lien Conference)(Nanyang Technological University・シンガポール)(2019年6月20日)
- Hideaki Shiroyama, “Multilayered Multilateral Governance of Emerging Risks – Global Health, Climate Change and Artificial Intelligence”(IIAS Lien Conference)(Nanyang Technological University・シンガポール)(2019年6月19日)
- Hideaki Shiroyama, “Governance of AI in Society 5.0: Japan’s Domestic Challenges and International Strategy”(Symposium: Prospects for Japan’s G20 Osaka Summit)(University of Toronto, トロント・カナダ)(2019年5月8日)
- 松尾真紀子(招待講演)「ゲノム編集技術の食・農分野への適用、社会導入における現状と課題- テクノロジーアセスメントに向けて」2020年2月7日「国立国会図書館」
- Makiko Matsuo and Masashi Tachikawa, “Governance Issues of Genome-Edited Products - Lessons learned from Japanese experience,” Workshop on Governance of Emerging Technologies- Framing Benefits and Risks of Biotech and AI, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 2nd of Feb, 2020.
- 松尾真紀子「海外におけるゲノム編集農作物・食品の取扱い」農研機構主催、第2期SIP(戦略的イノベーションプログラム) 課題「スマートバイオ産業・農業基盤技術」国民理解コンソーシアム共催、植物ゲノム編集技術ワークショップ 、2020年1月25日、AP秋葉原
- Makiko Matsuo(招待演者)“New Biotechnology and Governance Issues – Regulatory Clarification of Gene-Editing in Japan”presented at the "New breeding technologies: Prospects and regulatory hurdles Workshop", the Plant and Animal Genome (PAG) XXVIII Conference, San Diego, USA, January 12, 2020.
- 松尾真紀子(招待演者)「ゲノム編集技術が食・農分野に及ぼすガバナンス上の課題」公募シンポジウムⅤ ゲノム編集技術が社会に及ぼす影響と食・農分野における課題、第31回日本生命倫理学会年次大会、2019年12月7日、東北大学川内キャンパス
- Makiko Matsuo(招待講演) “Genome-Editing in Japan – State of Play and the Governance Issues” presented at the Symposium Gene Edited Crops – Global Perspectives and Regulation, organized by the Netherlands Commission on Genetic Modification (COGEM), the Assembly Hall of the Senate (Eerste Kamer), Hague, the Netherlands, 10th Oct, 2019.
- Makiko Matsuo(招待講演)“Recent Development in New Biotechnology in Japan” presented at JSPS日本学術振興会植物分子デザイン178 委員会/T-PIRC国際シンポジウム“Towards sustainable food production: the progress of biotechnology and its regulation”, Akihabara Convention Hall, 4th Oct, 2019.
- Makiko Matsuo(招待講演)“Governance Challenges Posed by New Biotechnology –in Japanese Context” presented at Tsukuba Conference, International Symposium on “How can we think about securing foods in the world using biotechnology crops?,” Tsukuba International Congress Center, 3rd Oct, 2019.
- 松尾真紀子(招待講演)「ゲノム編集作物・食品等の取り扱いに関する海外の動向」公社・農林水産・食品産業技術振興協会(JATAFF)主催、ゲノム編集技術及びその利用食品をめぐる技術開発・環境整備動向、2019年9月27日、共同通信会館5F(A/B会議室)
- 松尾真紀子(招待講演)「食・農分野へ適用されるゲノム編集のELSIとガバナンス」第五回ELSI概念の再構築研究会、2019年7月11日、東京大学国際学術総合研究棟 12 階 演習室C
- 羅 芝賢「情報化と番号制度」情報法制学会 2019年12月
- 羅 芝賢「RPA導入の行政に与える影響 行政学的視点から」仮想政府セミナー2019年12月
- 羅 芝賢「番号制度に見る日本の行政改革」日本行政学会 2019年5月
- 谷口武俊, “メガ・イベントのリスクへの対処を考える” , 日本リスク学会, 大阪大学中之島センター, 2020年3月28日 オンライン
- 角和昌浩「外国人留学生の日本就職について」東京大学公共政策大学院 課題共有会 2020年2月21日
- 角和昌浩「Creative Leadership Skills and Creative Teamwork」JICE 18 Feb 2020
- 角和昌浩「Z世代が住みたい街を実現するモビリティ社会とは」 FCAJ/BAO年次大会 2020年2月6日
- 菊地耕一「宇宙空間とサイバー空間のガバナンス」慶應大学主催宇宙法ミニセミナー, 2019年12月.
- 菊地耕一、竹内悠「新たな国際宇宙ガバナンスの構築 ~スペースデブリ低減から持続可能な宇宙開発へ~」第63回宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集, 2019年11月.
- 菊地耕一「宇宙法政策の歴史と展望 -1980年代を振り返る-」第63回宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集, 2019年11月
- K. Kikuchi, “Finance Function of Space Agencies”, International Astronautical Congress, October 2019.
- Quentin Verspieren.“Empirical study contributing to the development of a domestic scheme for university-driven space technology development and utilisation capacity building with emerging space countries,” The University of Tokyo’s Space Policy and Law Workshop: Challenges to Academic Space Programs: The Function of Capacity-building in Promoting International Space Cooperation, 26th Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Workshop, November 2019.
- Quentin Verspieren, Yoshihide Aoyanagi, Takeshi Matsumoto, Takayoshi Fukuyo, Toshihiro Obata, Shinichi Nakasuka. “CubeSat-Based Low-Cost Communication Network and its Utilisation for Capacity Building in Developing Countries,” 70th International Astronautical Congress, Washington, DC, October 2019.
- Quentin Verspieren. “Military Influence on International Regime-Making for Space Traffic Management: Explaining the Evolution of SSA Data Transparency at the US Department of Defense,” 70th International Astronautical Congress, Washington, DC, October 2019.
- Quentin Verspieren.“Current Status of ASEAN Space Programs”, GNF Session: Governance of Space Activities: Comparative Studies on National Space Policy and Law, 70th International Astronautical Congress, Washington, DC, October 2019.
- Quentin Verspieren, Takeshi Matsumoto, Yoshihide Aoyanagi, Takayoshi Fukuyo, Toshihiro Obata, Shinichi Nakasuka, George Kwizera and Joseph Abakunda. “Store and Forward 3U CubeSat Project TRICOM and Its Utilizations for Development and Education: the cases of TRICOM-1R and JPRWASAT,” 32nd International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, Fukui, Japan, June 2019.
- 五十川大也「The Effects of R&D Subsidies on Private R&D Expenditures in Oligopolistic Markets: Empirical Evidence from Japan」 EARIE 2019 (Universitat Pompeu Fabra [Barcelona, Spain]) 2019年9月
- Yarime, Masaru, "Governing Data-Driven Innovation for Smart Cities: The Experiences in Japan and Overseas and Implications for Corporate Strategy and Public Policy," JSCA Seminar, Japan Smart Community Alliance (JSCA), New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO), Kawasaki, Kanagawa, Japan, February 5 (2020).
- Yarime, Masaru, "Governing Data-Driven Innovation for Sustainability: Opportunities and Challenges in Smart Cities," IELP/GP-RSS Seminar, International Environmental Leadership Program (IELP) and the International Joint Graduate Program in Resilience and Safety Studies (GP-RSS), Tohoku University, Sendai, Miyagi, Japan, February 4 (2020).
- Yarime, Masaru, "Data Governance for Smart Cities: Opportunities and Challenges in Public Policy," Research Seminar, College of Public Administration, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, December 17 (2019).
- Yarime, Masaru, "Emerging Impacts of Digital Transformation on Smart City Development: Implications for Global Sustainability," The 9th International Symposia on Green Smart Development & Vision (GSDV) 2019, co-organized by Seoul National University, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), and Pusan National University, Busan, South Korea, November 26 (2019).
- Yarime, Masaru, "Facilitating Data-Driven Innovation for SDGs: Opportunities and Challenges in Blockchain," Roundtable on Blockchain and Refugee Protection, JAHSS-JASID Joint International Conference - Refugees/Migrants and Education/Employment: Seeking to Ensure Human Security, co-organized by the Japan Association for Human Security Studies (JAHSS) and the Japan Society for International Development (JASID), The University of Tokyo, Japan, November 16-17 (2019).
- Yarime, Masaru, "AI-Based Innovation to Tackle Climate Change: Technological Opportunities and Institutional Challenges in Smart Cities," Japanese-German-French Conference on AI for SDGs - How Can AI Help Solve Environmental Challenges?, jointly organized by the German Centre for Research and Innovation (DWIH) Tokyo, French Embassy to Japan, and the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), German Cultural Centre, Tokyo, Japan, October 24 (2019).
- Yarime, Masaru, "Facilitating Data-Driven Innovation for Sustainability: Opportunities and Challenges in Distributed Energy Systems," Workshop on the Kyoto-Shenzhen Decarbonization Project, Seventh Shenzhen International Low Carbon City Forum, China Capital Market Institute, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China, August 29 (2019).
- Yarime, Masaru, "Data-Driven Innovation in the Greater Bay Area of China: Opportunities and Challenges in Medical and Health Fields" Public Seminar on Innovation for Medical Applications of Artificial Intelligence in China, Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, July 19 (2019).
- Yarime, Masaru, "The SDGs and Network Governance: Opportunities and Challenges in Data-Driven Innovation," Keynote Speech, HSP Symposium on the SDGs and Network Governance: Opportunities and Challenges in Data-Driven Innovation, Graduate Program on Human Security (HSP), Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, July 13 (2019).
- Yarime, Masaru, "Facilitating Open Global Innovation: Possibilities and Challenges in the Greater Bay Area as a Global Innovation Hub," International Forum for Open Global Economy, organized by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China Daily, Asian Development Bank Institute, and Japan-China Science, Technology and Culture Centre, Osaka, Japan, June 25 (2019).
- Yarime, Masaru, "Innovation Systems of Smart Cities in Japan, United States and China: Implications for Policy and Institutional Design," CSTI Policy Seminar on Innovation Systems of Smart Cities: International Practices and Policy Implications, Centre for Science, Technology & Innovation Policy (CSTI), Institute for Manufacturing (IfM), University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom, June 13 (2019).
- Yarime, Masaru, "Fostering Data-Driven Innovation for Sustainability Transitions: Local Initiatives and Global Implications," Keynote Speech, International Workshop on Rethinking Clusters: The Local and Global Scale of Sustainability Transitions, University of Padua, Padua, Italy, May 15-17 (2019).
- Yarime, Masaru, "Emerging Trends of Innovation on E-mobility in China and Implications for Corporate Strategy and Public Policy," Panel on Our Electric Mobility Future, Connecting Startup Cities Conference, Asia-Pacific Week Berlin 2019, Spreewerkstätten, Berlin, Germany, May 14 (2019).
- Yarime, Masaru, "Understanding the Japanese Innovation System of Smart Cities: Knowledge, Actors, and Institutions," International Conference on Innovation in East Asia in Global Context: E-Mobility and Urban Systems, jointly organized by IN-EAST School of Advanced Studies on Innovation in East Asia, Institute of East Asian Studies, University of Duisburg-Essen and Japanese-German Center Berlin (JDZB), Berlin, Germany, May 9-10 (2019).
- 吉岡(小林)徹・枝村一磨・古澤洋子・高橋真木子・隅蔵康一(2019)「大学リサーチ・アドミニストレーター配置のインパクトに関する実証分析」研究イノベーション学会 第34回年次学術大会(政策研究大学院大学:東京、2019/10/27)
- Yoshioka-Kobayashi, T., Takahashi, M. (2019). Examining public perception of the university-industry collaboration research by a split-run test: Pitfalls in academic technology transfer policy. Technology Transfer Society, The 2019 Technology Transfer Society Annual Conference, September, 26-28, 2019, Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario: Canada.
- Yoshioka-Kobayashi, T. (2019). “Typologies of research administration professionals: Insights from management studies.” The Research Manager and Administrator Network Japan, 5th RMAN-J Annual Conference, September, 3, 2019 (The University of Electro-Communications, Tokyo, Japan).
- 羅 芝賢 KDDI財団 KDDI Foundation 奨励賞 2020年3月
- 羅 芝賢 後藤・安田記念東京都市研究所 第45回藤田賞奨励賞 2019年9月