
第148回STIG PoPセミナー/第22回バイオエコノミー勉強会(応用編) 特別企画第二弾 「バイオエコノミー社会の実現に向けた日・豪・クイーンズランド州の連携の模索」

日時:2024年5月14日(火)14:00-16:30 (予定) 同時通訳あり・招待制・チャタムハウスルール

主催:東京大学科学技術イノベーション政策の科学(STIG)教育・研究ユニット(代表 城山英明)https://stig.pp.u-tokyo.ac.jp/
共催:クイーンズランド州政府、国立研究開発法人科学技術振興機構(JST)革新的GX技術創出事業(GteX)「多様な微生物機能の開拓のためのバイオものづくりDBTL技術の開発」(2023-2027年度)(研究代表:本田孝祐)、「Bio-Digital Transformation(バイオ DX)産学共創拠点」(プロジェクトリーダー:山本卓)


◆14:00-14:05 開会のご挨拶
城山英明 東京大学公共政策大学院教授

◆14:05-14:20 趣旨説明
松尾真紀子 東京大学公共政策大学院特任准教授

◆14:20-14:50 基調講演1 “Opportunities and progress in bioeconomyin Australia”

◆14:50-15:05 “Queensland Biofutures: Towards becoming the APAC region’s biomanufacturingand biorefininghub”
安達健 クイーンズランド州政府駐日事務所駐日北東アジア統括代表


◆15:15 -15:45 基調講演2 “Energy and Food Supply in Harmony with the Earth”
千葉一裕 東京農工大学長

◆15:45 -16:25 質疑応答および総合討論(コメントリレー:コメンテーター)

◆16:25 –16:30 閉会


Professor Ian O’Hara, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Engineering at Queensland University of Technology
Ian is widely recognised as a leading expert in policies, technologies and systems for developing the bioeconomy and producing bio-based products including biofuels, bioenergy and biomaterials. In addition to his academic role, Ian represents the Queensland Government as the Biofutures Industry Envoy and acts as an ambassador for Queensland’s Biofutures industry and industrial biotechnology sector. Ian is on the International Advisory Council on Global Bioeconomy and is a Senior Editor of EFB Bioeconomy Journal. Ian is a Chief Investigator in the ARC Centre of Excellence in Synthetic Biology and also in in the ARC Industrial Transformation Training Centre in Bioplastics and Biocomposites.
Mr Tak Adachi, Queensland Senior Trade and Investment Commissioner– North Asia, Trade and Investment Queensland
Tak Adachi has been Queensland Trade and Investment Commissioner for Japan, one of the state’s largest export markets, since 2004.
Before his appointment, Tak was a Senior Investment Commissioner for North Asia at Invest Australia (within the Australian Embassy Tokyo – now part of Austrade), following a successful private-sector career as an investment banker, working in both Japan and Australia with Deutsche Bank as Director Global Markets.
Kazuhiro CHIBA, PhD, President of Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Kazuhiro Chiba is currently the president of Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology. Chiba is also the program director of the Moonshot Research and Development Project (Goal #5: Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries) promoted by the Cabinet Office. For more than 35 years Chiba was a tireless advocate of organic chemistry in the field of agricultural chemistry. Based on the structural analysis and chemical synthesis of natural products, Chiba promoted the development of new synthetic methods for peptide pharmaceutical raw materials. The peptide synthesis method Chiba developed led to the establishment of a start-up company and the conclusion of an exclusive license agreement with a major European pharmaceutical manufacturing company. This method has led to the production of peptide-based diabetes drugs and other products, contributing greatly to innovation.
松尾真紀子 東京大学 公共政策大学院・未来ビジョン研究センター 特任准教授
2020年4月1日より現職。現在、科学技術イノベーション政策における「政策のための科学」教育・研究ユニット(STIG:Science, Technology, and Innovation Governanceプロジェクト)で、国際政治・公共政策学・リスク研究等多様な観点から科学技術と社会の交錯領域(食品安全、バイオエコノミー、国際保健等)におけるガバナンスやELSIにかかわる研究に従事。履歴・業績:https://researchmap.jp/makiko_matsuo
