01.18.2019 [Fri, Feb 1] 72th STIG PoP Seminar/ Effectiveness and Efficacy of R&D Subsidies: Estimating Treatment Effects with One-sided Noncompliance
06.20.2018 [Thu, July 11 REPORT] 70th STIG PoP Seminar/Climate mitigation, technology and energy policy
06.20.2018 [Thu, July 5 REPORT] 69th STIG PoP Seminar/From Clean Rooms to Dirty Water: Labor, Semiconductor Firms, and the Struggle over Pollution and Workplace Hazards in Silicon Valley
06.12.2018 [Wed, July 4 REPORT] 68th STIG PoP Seminar/Openness and Commercialization in Science: Evidence from Scientist Survey in Japan/UK/Germany
06.04.2018 [Mon, July 2] 67th STIG PoP Seminar/Privacy Protection, GDPR and Free Trade: An Appraisal of the EU-Japan Relations
05.22.2018 [Wednesday 20 June] 66th STIG PoP Seminar/ Transparency mechanisms and conflict of interest regulation. The case of pharmaceuticals
05.22.2018 [Tuesday 19 June] 65th STIG PoP Seminar/ Achieving energy and environmental goals in China