- Ulf Sverdrup, Alf Håkon Hoel, Hideaki Shiroyama, Michelle Voyer, Elana Wilson Rowe, Wrenn Yennie-Lindgren, “Improving Future Ocean Governance – Governance of Global Goods in an Age of Global Shifts” , T 20 Japan 2019 Task Force 6: Social Cohesion, Global Governance and the Future of Politics, Policy Brief #5, March 31, 2019, pp. 1-12, 査読無 (https://t20japan.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/t20-japan-tf6-5-improving-future-ocean-governance.pdf).
- Hideaki Shiroyama “Multilateralism with Multiple Layers and Strengthening the Base of National Capacity”, T 20 Japan 2019 Task Force 6: Social Cohesion, Global Governance and the Future of Politics, Policy Brief #11, March 15, 2019, pp. 1-12, 査読無. (https://t20japan.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/t20-japan-tf6-11-multilateralism-with-multiple-layers.pdf)
- 城山英明「合意形成と支援手法」(『自治実務セミナー』681号、2019年3月、5-8頁、査読無)
- Roland W. Scholz, Masaru Yarime, Hideaki Shiroyama, “Global leadership for social design: theoretical and educational perspectives”, Sustainability Science, Vol. 13, 2018, pp. 447–464, 査読有
- 城山英明「人工知能とテクノロジーアセスメント-枠組み・体制と実験的試み」(『科学技術社会論研究』第16号、2018年12月、65-80頁、査読有)
- 羅 芝賢, 城山 英明(2018)「行政の「グローバル化」と「グローバル人材」 : 日韓比較の観点から」『季刊行政管理研究』 (162)
- 岸本充生, リスクを巡る意思決定とレギュラトリーサイエンス.日本LCA学会誌 14(4) 277 - 283 2018.
- 岸本充生, エマージング・リスクの早期発見と対応-公共政策の観点から-.保険学雑誌 642 37 - 60 2018年9月.
- 松浦正浩「日本におけるトランジション・マネジメントの実践」(『地方行政』10776:2-5、2018年)
- 角和昌浩、Roundtable on the Significance of the Scenario Approach in an “Age of Anxiety”, Japan SPOTLIGHT May / June 2018 (with Kazumasa Kusaka)
- Hiroshi Ohashi, Effects of Consumer Subsidies for Renewable Energy on Industry Growth and Welfare: Japanese Solar Photovoltaic System (with S.Myojo), Journal of Japanese and International Economics, 48:55-67, 2018.
- Yarime, Masaru, "Learning and Open Data in Sustainability Transitions: Evolutionary Implications of the Theory of Probabilistic Functionalism," Environment Systems and Decisions, 38 (1), 88-91 (2018).
- Yarime, Masaru, and Aitong Li, "Facilitating International Cooperation on Air Pollution in East Asia: Fragmentation of the Epistemic Communities," Global Policy, 9 (S3), 35-41 (2018).
- Yarime, Masaru, and Martin Karlsson, "Examining Technological Innovation Systems of Smart Cities: The Case of Japan and Implications for Public Policy and Institutional Design," in Jorge Niosi, ed., Innovation Systems, Policy and Management, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 394-417 (2018).
- 吉岡(小林)徹(2018)「大学技術移転サーベイのデータで出来ること」一般社団法人大学技術移転協議会『大学技術移転サーベイ:大学知的財産年報2017年度版』 6-21.
- Yoshioka-Kobayashi, T., Fujimoto, T., Akiike, A., "The validity of industrial design registrations and design patents as a measurement of "good" product design: A comparative empirical analysis, " World Patent Information, 53, 14-23, 2018. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0172219017301503
1 研究関連(Research)
1-3 STIG参画教員による科学技術イノベーション政策に関連する成果
論文(査読論文、招待論文、大学紀要 他)・報告書
- 城山英明 『科学技術と政治』(ミネルヴァ書房, 2018年4月, 1-271頁)
- Hideaki Shiroyama “Risk Management in Japan”, Ali Farazmand, ed., Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance, pp. 1-6, Springer, 2018, 査読有
- Takeuchi, K., Shiroyama, H., Saito, O., Matsuura, M. (Eds.) "Biofuels and Sustainability: Holistic Perspectives for Policy-making" Springer, 2018.
https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9784431548942 - 松浦正浩『おとしどころの見つけ方:世界一やさしい交渉学入門』(クロスメディア・パブリッシング、2018年)
- Bharadwaj, A., Yoshioka-Kobayashi, T., "Regulating standard essential patents in implementer-oriented countries: Insights from India and Japan," Bharadwaj, A., Devaiah, V. H., Gupta, I. (Eds.) Multi-dimensional Approaches Towards New Technology, Springer Singapore: Singapore, 2018.
学術誌・専門書での書評・紹介 インタビュー記事
- 松尾真紀子,日本経済新聞科学アゴラ電子版より 2018年11月2日掲載
https://www.nikkei.com/article/DGKKZO37232700R01C18A1TJN000/ - 松尾真紀子『SciREXクオータリー』8号GRIPSのウェブサイト:SciREXと研究者 政策科学の繋ぎ手たち- 科学、政策、社会還元のエコシステムを目指して
https://scirex.grips.ac.jp/newsletter/8-2018-03/05.html - 松浦正浩, 「2050年からの逆算で見える埼玉の住宅地の危機」, 埼玉司法書士会情報誌法Navi, 7, pp. 10-11, 2018.
- Hideaki Shiroyama, “Resilient Governance of Interconnected Risks”(King’s College London, ロンドン・英国)(2019年3月)
- Hideaki Shiroyama, “Nuclear Safety, Complex Risk Governance and Possible Cooperation in East Asia”(Strategic Partnership with Seoul National University at the University of Tokyo International Workshop on Energy in the 21st Century: Laws, Policies and Technologies, 東京大学本郷キャンパス・東京)(2019年3月)
- Hideaki Shiroyama, “Japan’s Preference for PV and Recent Attempt for Balancing in the context of East Asia”(The 5th PKU-UTokyo Forum: Co-creating the Future: Challenges, Opportunities and Power Dynamics in the 21st Century, 東京大学本郷キャンパス・東京)(2019年2月)
- Hideaki Shiroyama, “The Implications of a ‘Free and Open Indo-Pacific’ in Maritime and Space Areas – balancing or complementarity with China’s initiatives”(10th Five University Conference 2018, Prospects for Peace and Stability in the Asia-Pacific Region, National University of Singapore・シンガポール)(2018年12月)
- 城山英明「テクノロジーアセスメントと社会デザインの課題」(第2回さきがけ研究者トーク・イベント, AP東京丸の内・東京)(2018年12月)
- Hideaki Shiroyama, "Governance of Lessons Learning from Fukushima Accident"(Lessons learned from Fukushima: Roundtable in Second AGORAS conference “Lessons learned? Studying learning devices and processes in relation to technological accidents”、Beffroi de Montrouge・フランス)(2018年12月)
- 城山英明「合意形成と支援手法」(刊行記念シンポジウム 絶滅社会の合意形成-人口減少時代の空間制御と自治-, 上智大学四ツ谷キャンパス・東京)(2018年12月)
- Hideaki Shiroyama, “Challenges in the Existing Rules and Policies for Space Debris Management”(Space Policy Workshop : Academic Workshop on “Space Policy and Law Perspectives for Space Debris Management, The 25th Session of the Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Forum(APRSAF-25) , Sheraton Towers Singapore・シンガポール)(2018年11月)
- Hideaki Shiroyama,“Japan’s Preference for PV and Recent Attempt for Balancing”(The Political Economy of Energy Transition toward Renewables, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 香港・中華人民共和国)(2018年10月)
- Hideaki Shiroyama, “Governance of Interconnected Risks – Introduction”(The Risk Quotient 2018, The University of Tokyo・東京)(2018年10月)
- Hideaki Shiroyama, “Technology Assessment as a Strategy for Lobbying – How to Deal With Various Evidence”(The Lobbying Summer Academy, Hotel Igeretxe, ビルバオ・スペイン)(2018年7月)
- Hideaki Shiroyama, “The Development of Digital Government and Public Service Reform in Japan”(Tokyo Fiscal Forum 2018: Strengthened fiscal management in Asia、三田会議所・東京)(2018年6月)
- Hideaki Shiroyama, “The Social Benefits of Automation and Institutional Foundation for Realizing Them”(2nd Google-APRU Project on Transformation of Work in the Asia Pacific in the 21st Century, The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, 香港・中華人民共和国)(2018年6月)
- 松尾真紀子「科学技術イノベーションと社会の共進化(co-evolution)のためのガバナンス-ゲノム編集をめぐる社会状況とそこで求められるアカデミアの役割」広島大学卓越大学院プログラム「ゲノム編集先端人材育成プログラム」公開セミナー、2019年2月24日、日本橋ライフサイエンスビルディング 201大会議室
- Makiko Matsuo, Global Health Governance Reform After the Ebola Crisis – where are we now?, Workshop on Global Policy Challenges for the Future Global Health in the SDG era, , Ito International Research Centre, The University of Tokyo, 19th Feb, 2019.
- 松尾真紀子「ゲノム編集生物をめぐる規制とガバナンス」【第 2 セッション C-1- 2】ゲノム編集作物をめぐるガバナンスと市民、科学技術社会論学会、2018年12月8日、成城大学
- 松尾真紀子(招待講演)「食品・農業分野におけるゲノム編集にかかわるレギュレーションの動向」サイエンスアゴラ2018,「ゲノム編集と実験動物」2018年11月11日
- Taniguchi, T., “Causes of Wicked Problems Originated from the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster”, The Risk Quotient 2018, Tokyo, October 25-26, 2018
- 角和昌浩「On Scenario Planning」Universiti Tenaga Nasional 28 July 2018
- 菊地耕一「オバマ政権の宇宙探査計画」第62回宇宙科学技術連合講演会講演集, 2018年10月.
- 五十川大也「Intertemporal Substitution in Electricity Consumption: Evidence from a Dynamic Pricing Experiment for Residential Customers in Japan」EARIE 2018 (Athens College & Psychiko College [Athens, Greece])2018年8月
- Yarime, Masaru, "Science, Technology, and Innovation Policies for Sustainable Development in the Age of the Fourth Industrial Revolution: Opportunities and Challenges in Public-Private Partnership," Training Workshop on Science, Technology and Innovation Policies for Sustainable Development in the Fourth Industrial Revolution, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UNESCAP), Science and Technology Policy Institute (STEPI), and Asia Research and Training Network on Science Technology and Innovation Policy (ARTNET on STI Policy), Incheon and Sejong, South Korea, March 19-22 (2019).
- Yarime, Masaru, "Governance and Policy Innovation in an Era of Disruptive Technologies: Opportunities and Challenges in Public Policy," Plenary Session, Asia-Pacific Public Policy Network (AP-PPN) Conference 2019, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST), Hong Kong, March 8-9 (2019).
- Yarime, Masaru, "Key Challenges in Innovation for Sustainable Energy Systems and Smart Cities," NTPU-HKUST Joint Workshop on Sustainable City and Renewable Energy, Center for Global Change and Sustainability Science (CGCSS), National Taipei University (NTPU), February 22 (2019).
- Yarime, Masaru, "Data-Driven Innovation and Opportunities for Sustainability through Collaboration between India and Hong Kong," Shri Ram College of Commerce, University of Delhi, Delhi, India, February 7 (2019).
- Yarime, Masaru, "Fostering Innovation for Urban Sustainability: A Comparative Analysis of the Innovation Systems of Smart Cities in Japan, United States, and China," TBSI Greater Bay Area Intellectual Forum Lecture 80, Tsinghua-Berkeley Shenzhen Institute (TBSI), Shenzhen, Guangdong, China, January 9 (2019).
- Yarime, Masaru, "Science-Policy Interface on Transboundary Air Pollution: Challenges in Overcoming the Fragmentation of the Epistemic Communities in East Asia," International Workshop on Approaches to Addressing Increasing Complexity of Sustainability Challenges in East Asia: Roles of Non-state Actors in Transboundary Networks, Institute of Developing Economies, Japan External Trade Organization (IDE-JETRO), Chiba, Japan, December 20 (2018).
- Yarime, Masaru, "Stimulating Data-Driven Innovation: Policy and Strategic Implications in Global Competition and Cooperation," Abe Global Forum on Japanese and American Innovation in a Global Age, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington, D.C., United States, December 3 (2018).
- Yarime, Masaru, "Stimulating Data-Driven Innovation: Policy and Strategic Implications in Global Competition and Cooperation," Abe Global Forum on Japanese and American Innovation in a Global Age, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, United States, December 1 (2018).
- Yarime, Masaru, "Japan's Experience of Creating Innovation for Smart Cities: Implications for Public Policy for Urban Sustainability," Forum on Smart Cities in China - Reforming Multiple Planning Integration and Building Smart Cities, organized by the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), Haikou, Hainan, China, November 24-25 (2018).
- Yarime, Masaru, "Comparative Analysis of the Innovation Systems of Smart Cities in Japan, United States, and China," Research Seminar, Department of Geography and Resource Management, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, September 28 (2018).
- Yarime, Masaru, "International Perspectives on Sustainable Business," Business Sustainability Management Online Short Course, Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, September 21 (2018).
- Yarime, Masaru, "Japanese Innovation System of Smart Cities: Knowledge, Actors, and Institutions," International Workshop on Smart Cities in Asia: Development, Policy, and Governance, Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore, Singapore, August 17 (2018).
- Yarime, Masaru, "Policy and Institutional Challenges in Creating Innovation for Smart Cities: Lessons and Implications of Japan's Experience," Inaugural Symposium of GREAT Smart Cities Center, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong, May 18 (2018).
- Yoshioka-Kobayashi, T., Watanabe, T. "A technological return to originating firms from knowledge spillovers: A new strategic tool or an unintentional side effect?" Portland International Conference on Management of Engineering and Technology, PICMET 2018 (Honolulu, USA, 20, August, 2018), 2018.