成果物1 研究関連(Research)

1 研究関連(Research)

1-3 STIG参画教員による科学技術イノベーション政策に関連する成果


論文(査読論文、招待論文、大学紀要 他)・報告書

  • Hideaki Shiroyama, "Case Study of Eco-Town Project in Kitakyushu - Tension among incumbents and the transition from industrial city to green city", together with Shinya Kajiki, Derk Loorbach, Julia Wittmayer, Junichi Fujino and Satoru Mizuguchi, eds., Governance of Urban Sustainability Transitions: European and Asian Experiences, pp.113-132 (Springer, 2016)
  • Yasushi Katsuma, Hideaki Shiroyama and Makiko Matsuo, "Challenges in achieving the health Sustainable Development Goal: Global Governance as an issue for the mean of implementation", Asia-Pacific Development Journal, Vol. 23, No. 2, 2016, pp. 105-125, 査読有
  • Hideaki Shiroyama, Yasushi Katsuma, Makiko Matsuo, “Global Health Governance: Analysis and Lessons Learned from the Ebola Virus Disease Outbreak and the Identification of Future Response Options,” presented at PMAC Side meeting, Policy Recommendations for the 2016 G7 Summit in Japan: Toward Resilient and Sustainable Universal Health Coverage (UHC), 27th Jan. 2016, Lotus Suite Lotus Centara Grand & Bangkok Convention Centre at Central World Thailand Bangkok (マヒドン皇太子賞会議), 2016.
  • Hideaki Shiroyama, Yasushi Katsuma and Matsuo Makiko, "Rebuilding Global Health Governance - Recommendation for the G 7", PARI Policy Brief, 2016,
    査読無 (http://pari.u-tokyo.ac.jp/publications/policy_brief_160513_globalhealthgovernance.pdf).
  • Hideaki Shiroyama, "Nuclear Safety Regulation before the Fukushima Accident and Post-accident Reform", Keiichi Tsunekawa, ed., Five Years After: Reassessing Japan's Responses to the Earthquake, Tsunami, and the Nuclear Disaster, pp. 57-79, University of Tokyo Press, 2016.
  • Hideaki Shiroyama, "Political Dimensions of Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy and the Importance of Local Contexts", Jurgen Basedow and Toshiyuki Kono, eds., Special Economic Zones: Law and Policy Perspectives, pp. 99-116, Mohr Siebec, November 2016.
  • Derk Loorbach, Julia Wittmayer, Hideaki Shiroyama, Junichi Fujino and Satoru Mizuguchi, eds. Governance of Urban Sustainability Transitions: European and Asian Experiences, Springer, 2016.
  • Yasushi Katsuma, Hideaki Shiroyama and Makiko Matsuo, “Challenges in achieving the sustainable development goal on good health and well-being: Global governance as an issue for the means of implementation”, Asia-Pacific Development Journal, Vol. 23, No. 2, 2016, pp. 105-125.
  • Niki Frantzeskaki, Hideaki Shiroyama, “Sketching Future Research Directions for Transition Management Applications in Cities,” in Derk Loorbach, Julia Wittmayer, Hideaki Shiroyama, Junichi Fujino and Satoru Mizuguchi, eds. Governance of Urban Sustainability Transitions: European and Asian Experiences, pp. 183-189, Springer, 2016.
  • Derk Loorbach, Hideaki Shiroyama, “The Challenge of Sustainable Urban Development and Transforming Cities,” in Derk Loorbach, Julia Wittmayer, Hideaki Shiroyama, Junichi Fujino and Satoru Mizuguchi, eds. Governance of Urban Sustainability Transitions: European and Asian Experiences, pp. 3-12, Springer, 2016.
  • 城山英明「原子力安全規制の課題と対応」(『科学技術社会論研究』第12号、2016年5月、139-148頁)
  • 城山英明「複合リスクとグローバルガバナンス-機能的アプローチの展開と限界」(杉田敦編『岩波講座現代4:グローバル化のなかの政治』岩波書店、2016年4月、239-268頁)
  • M. Sugiyama, I. Sakata, H. Shiroyama, H.Yoshikawa, and T. Taniguchi, “Research management: Five years on from Fukushima”, Nature Vol. 531 (7592), March 2016, pp. 29–31.
  • 松尾真紀子「低線量放射線の健康リスクとその防護 ディシプリンを超えた連携の試み」『保健物理』第51巻4号, 258-262, 2016.
  • Kenji Shibuya, Japan Global Health Working Group, Protecting human security: proposals for the G7 Ise-Shima Summit in Japan, the Lancet, Health Policy, Volume 387, No. 10033, p2155–2162, 2016. (松尾真紀子:Japan Global Health Working Groupのメンバーとして共著)
  • 岸本充生, 食品安全分野のリスク評価・管理のこれから:閾値の有無を超えて オレオサイエンス 16(12) 571 - 577 2016年9月.
  • 岸本充生, 色材に関するレギュレーション講座(第2講) ナノマテリアル 色材協会誌 89(11) 403 - 408 2016年8月
  • Masahiro Matsuura and Kenshi Baba, "Consensus Building for Long-term Sustainability in the Non-North American Context: Reflecting on a Stakeholder Process in Japan" Negotiation and Conflict Management Research, 9(3), pp. 256-268, 2016.

  • Taniguchi, T., “Technology Assessment and Risk Governance: Challenges Ahead in Japan”, “Technology Assessment in Japan and Europe” edited by A. Moniz and K. Okuwada, p23-35, KIT Scientific Publishing, 2016
  • 角和昌浩「日本の水素社会の可能性 シナリオプランニング」 石油学会 『ペトロテック』、2016年11月
  • 角和昌浩“Scenario projects in Japanese government :Strategic approaches for overcoming psychological and institutional barriers”、Futures、2016年9月
  • 角和昌浩「シナリオプランニングの理論:その技法と実践的活用」 JOGMEC 『石油・天然ガスレビュー』、2016年9月  Vol.50 No.5
  • K. Kikuchi, R. Yamanaka, T. Yamaguchi, “Cosmo Anthropology and Pathway to Exploration”, International Astronautical Congress, IAC-16-E3.2.13.x33722, September 2016.
  • K. Kikuchi, R. Yamanaka, T. Yamaguchi, “JAXA’s Educational Activities through JEM Utilization”, International Journal of Microgravity Science and Application, Vol.33, No.2, pp. 330210-1-3, April 2016.
  • Yarime, Masaru, "Implementing Technology Assessment through Stakeholder Platforms: Strategic Resource Logistics for Socially Robust Models of Sustainability Innovation," in Antonio Moniz and Kumi Okuwada, eds., Technology Assessment in Japan and Europe, Karlsruhe: Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) Scientific Publishing, 129-145 (2016).
  • 吉岡(小林)徹・渡部俊也「登録意匠の価値を表す指標—意匠の被引用数についての探索的研究—」『日本知財学会誌』12巻3号: 72頁-95頁, 2016.

  • Morichika, N. & Shibayama, S. Use of Dissertation Data in Science Policy Research. Scientometrics, 108(1): 221-241, 2016.
  • Shibayama, S. & Baba, Y. Dishonest Conformity in Peer Review. Prometheus 33(3): 215-233, 2016.
  • 西野成昭, (研究代表者 梶川裕矢), JST 戦略的創造研究推進事業(社会技術研究開発)「科学技術イノベーション政策のための科学 研究開発プログラム」採択プロジェクト,「イノベーション実現のための情報工学を用いたアクションリサーチ」, 2013年10月〜2016年9月.


  • Hideaki Shiroyama "Nuclear Safety Regulation before the Fukushima Accident and Post-accident Reform", Keiichi Tsunekawa, ed., Five Years After: Reassessing Japan's Responses to the Earthquake, Tsunami, and the Nuclear Disaster, pp. 57-79, University of Tokyo Press, 2016, 査読有
  • Hideaki Shiroyama "Political Dimensions of Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy and the Importance of Local Contexts", Jurgen Basedow and Toshiyuki Kono, eds., Special Economic Zones: Law and Policy Perspectives, pp. 99-116, Mohr Siebec, November 2016, 査読有
  • 城山英明「複合リスクとグローバルガバナンス-機能的アプローチの展開と限界」(杉田敦編『岩波講座現代4:グローバル化のなかの政治』岩波書店、2016年4月、239-268頁、査読無)
  • Derk Loorbach, Julia Wittmayer, Hideaki Shiroyama, Junichi Fujino and Satoru Mizuguchi, eds. Governance of Urban Sustainability Transitions: European and Asian Experiences, Springer, 2016
  • Matsuura, M. and Schenk, T. (Eds.) "Joint Fact-Findig in Urban Planning and Environmental Disputes" (Routledge/Earthscan、2016年)


  • Hideaki Shiroyama, “Analysis of Fukushima Nuclear Power Accident, Regulatory Reform and Governance of Interconnected Risks”( Public Policy Workshop on Governance of Grand Risks、香港・中華人民共和国)(2017年3月)
  • Hideaki Shiroyama, “Impact & Risk Assessment on AI Networking by the Subcommittee on Impact & Risk Assessment of THE CONFERENCE TOWARD AI NETWORK SOCIETY (MIC)”( 国際シンポジウム:AI・ロボットのテクノロジーアセスメントと社会の対応、東京大学本郷キャンパス・東京)(2017年3月)
  • Hideaki Shiroyama, “Governing Multiple Interconnected Risks in Digital Era”( Tokyo Expert Roundtable on “Structuring Research on Sustainable Digital Environments (SDE)、東京大学本郷キャンパス・東京)(2017年2月)
  • Hideaki Shiroyama, “Governing Uncertainty of Multiple Interconnected Risks Caused by Technological Development : Introduction to the Second Session”( Open Forum International Security in Times of Uncertainty、東京)(2017年2月)
  • Hideaki Shiroyama, “Governing Interconnectedness of Multiple Risks”( Society for Risk Analysis Annual Meeting 2016、サンディエゴ・アメリカ合衆国)(2016年12月)
  • Hideaki Shiroyama, “Transition Management for Sustainability Innovation - the dynamism of local experiments and roles of informal networks and governments in Japan”( International workshop on Social Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Public Policy、シンガポール)(2016年12月)
  • Hideaki Shiroyama,“Identifying the actors in global health-introduction”(Strengthening Global Health Governance Architecture - What are the achievements and what are left behind、東京大学本郷キャンパス・東京)(2016年11月)
  • Hideaki Shiroyama, “Potential Opportunities for Japan-India Cooperation in Civil Space Application”(3rd SPLANAP University of Tokyo-NIAS Joint Regional Space Policy Roundtable Meeting, バンガロール・インド)(2016年8月)
  • Hideaki Shiroyama, “Roles of International Players in Global Health- The case of Ebola Crisis”(Global Health Diplomacy Workshop、東京大学)(2016年5月)
  • 岸本充生、招待講演「再生医療のためのリスクコミュニケーションを考える」2017年3月7日(火)、第16回日本再生医療学会総会のシンポジウム9
  • 岸本充生、招待講演「安全とリスクの考え方~新しいものにどう向き合うか~」2016年12月23日(金)、日本再生医療学会市民シンポジウム「再生医療の未来へ」
  • 岸本充生、招待講演「誰がどうやって安全であることを.示すべきかに関する考察」2016年11月22日(火)、第2回 CIGS 原子力と法ワークショップ
  • 岸本充生、招待講演”Addressing potential risks of CNTs”、2016年11月17日(木)、CNT25-International Symposium on Carbon Nanotube
  • 岸本充生、招待講演「データサイエンス+行動科学-健康で安全な社会に向かうには-」2016年11月12日(土)、獨協大学情報学研究所シンポジウム
  • 岸本充生、招待講演「Who is responsible for the safety and security of new technologies?」2016年9月14日(水)、日仏国際会議2016ワークショップInnovation Beyond Technique
  • 岸本充生、招待講演「レギュラトリーサイエンスの概念整理 —「もう1つの科学」の確立と普及を目指して—」2016年9月7日(水)、日本環境毒性学会年次大会
  • 岸本充生、招待講演「医療安全のためのリスク学入門」2016年7月20日(水)、医療安全基礎講座2016
  • 岸本充生、招待講演「「10 のマイナス 5乗」の過去・現在・未来 」2016年7月8日(金)、安全工学シンポジウム2016
  • 岸本充生、招待講演「食の安心に資するための基準値はどうあるべきか」2016年4月24日、食のリスクコミュニケーションフォーラム2016
  • Yarime, Masaru, "Encouraging Innovation for Smart Cities: An Analysis of Innovation Systems and Implications for Public Policy," Energy Research Seminar, Asian Energy Studies Centre, Hong Kong Baptist University, March 2 (2017).
  • Yarime, Masaru, "Stimulating Innovation for Smart Cities: Japan’s Experience and Global Implications," Golisano Institute for Sustainability Research Seminar, Rochester Institute of Technology, New York, February 15 (2017).
  • Yarime, Masaru, "Digitalizing Innovation: Japan’s Experience of Developing Smart Cities and Implications for Business, Public Policy, and Sustainability in East Asia," First Interdisciplinary Symposium on East Asian Business "Digital East Asia: Emerging Trends in Public Policy and Regulation," East Asian Studies Center, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, United States, February 10 (2017).
  • Yarime, Masaru, "Digitalizing Innovation in Japan: The Development of Smart Cities and Implications for Business, Policy, and Sustainability in Asia-Pacific," Contemporary Japan Speaker Series Part 3, London Asia Pacific Centre for Social Science, King's College London, London, United Kingdom, February 2 (2017).
  • Yarime, Masaru, "Digitalisation of Innovation and Its Implications for Sustainability: Japan's Experience of Developing Smart Cities," STEaPP Seminar, Department of Science, Technology, Engineering and Public Policy (STEaPP), University College London, London, United Kingdom, February 1 (2017).
  • Yarime, Masaru, "Stimulating Innovation for Sustainability under the Belt and Road Initiative: The Role of Japan in International Cooperation and Collaboration," Academia International Conference on Economic and Financial Cooperation: Hong Kong and the World under the Belt and Road Initiative, co-organised by the Central Policy Unit of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government and the Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, December 15-16 (2016).
  • Yarime, Masaru, "Stimulating Innovation for Smart Cities: Japan’s Experience and Challenges for Urban Sustainability," The 2016 International Conference on Urban Infrastructure and Management, Shanghai, China, November 17-18 (2016).
  • Yarime, Masaru, "Diversity in Implementing Smart Cities: Implications of Area Studies for Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy and Governance," International Conference on the Relevance of Area Studies for the Sciences and Public Policy: Examples from Europe and Asia, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, November 14-15 (2016).
  • Yarime, Masaru, "Sustainable Smart Cities and the Role of Data," Secure Cities: A NetApp Dialogue, Singapore, August 24 (2016).
  • Yarime, Masaru, "Japanese Case Study on System Transformation: Smart Communities," 47th Session of the Working Party on Innovation and Technology Policy (TIP), Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Paris, France, June 20-22 (2016).
  • Yarime, Masaru, Opportunities and Challenges in Sustainability Transitions: A Reflection on Japanese Experiences of Transdisciplinary Research," Forum Co-creation for Ecological and Social Transition, Université catholique de Louvain, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium, April 29 (2016)
  • Yarime, Masaru, "Integrated Solutions to Complex Problems: Transforming Japanese Science and Technology," Roundtable on Japan's Possible Futures – Sponsored by U.S. Social Science Research Council (SSRC), Association for Asian Studies (AAS) Annual Conference 2016, Seattle, Washington, United States, March 31 (2016).
  • 五十川大也「Effects of Dynamic Electricity Pricing on Residential Customers」 7th Asia-Pacific Innovation Conference (アクロス福岡) 2016年11月
  • 五十川大也「Effects of Dynamic Electricity Pricing on Residential Customers」 日本経済学会2016年度秋季大会 (早稲田大学) 2016年9月
  • 五十川大也「Cost-benefit Analysis for Load Adjustment Contracts on Industrial Electricity Use in Japan」 日本経済学会2016年度春季大会 (名古屋大学) 2016年6月
  • 吉岡(小林)徹、第1回科学技術イノベーション政策のための科学 オープンフォーラム企画フォーラム『大学における研究リスク・マネジメントと研究促進:課題の全体構造とデータと成果の取扱に焦点を当てて』(イイノカンファレンスホール:東京、2017/1/25)
  • 吉岡(小林)徹(2016)「URAの役割をどう捉え、何を評価するか」RA協議会 第2回年次大会 年次大会事務局企画セッション「日本におけるURA機能を考える〜H26年度URA配置状況調査をもとに〜」(福井県県民ホール:福井、2016/9/2)