

STIGプログラム 修了生から後輩へのメッセージ


公共政策大学院 国際公共政策コース 修士課程修了(2021年度卒)

新見 奈緒子さん

I had been interested in the relationship between science, technology, and policy for a long time, and was immediately hooked by the STIG program brochure. This program allows us to learn interactively, in a uniquely interdisciplinary and diverse environment, in classes taught by experts.

In this program, students can freely choose the lectures they would like to take from a wide range of practical topics. The program is open to all graduate students, promoting cross-disciplinary learning. Many classes are taught in English, including the required seminar, and provide plenty of opportunities to work with international classmates. Diverse colleagues make for diverse discussions, which widen our perspective and deepen our knowledge, all while creating connections that will last long past graduation. I was especially engaged by the courses on "Scenario Planning" in no small part thanks to the opportunities for collaboration.

Aside from the students, the professors are no less excellent. Each of them is a leading professional in their respective area and is enthusiastic about teaching. They welcome students from many fields and are always willing to take questions. The field of space policy, for instance, gathers prominent experts, who have contributed to making the University of Tokyo one of the top research institutions in this field. In the lectures on "Space Development and Public Policy" and "Governance of Space Activities", I was able to receive excellent guidance from these renowned professionals and industry leaders.

Finally, there are many interesting opportunities outside of classes. Students have access to a wide variety of events, as well as summer camps and field seminars. As for my experience, I had the opportunity to work as a teaching assistant and participate in one of the STIG studies as a research collaborator.

If you are interested in science policy, or if there is a lecture that interests you, this program presents a unique and valuable opportunity. I give the STIG program my highest recommendation.


公共政策大学院 公共管理コース 修士課程修了(2020年度卒)



結論から申し上げて、STIGの受講は大正解でした!実務につながる授業も多く、職業人としてのスキルやキャリアにもとてもプラスになりました。STIGの最大の魅力は、なかなか交わることが少ないPublic PolicyとTechnologyのプラットフォームになり、双方が目指す未来を共有しながら、各々必要なことを一緒に考えていけるという点にあると思います。特に印象に残っているのは「テクノロジーアセスメント」の授業です。文理混合のチームで、将来の社会像全体を想像しながら、Technologyを取り巻く多様なステークホルダーがどう化学反応を起こしていくかを具体的に検討し、必要なポリシーやアクションについて政策提言を行いました。議論の密度が高かったのみならず、専攻やバックグラウンドも異なるチームメンバー一人ひとりの視点が重なり合うことで、よりよい社会を作るためのシナジーが生まれることを体感し、ポリシーメイキングにおいて、いかに多様性が重要であるかも実感することができました。

気づいたら、STIGにすっかり感化されてしまったのか、Public PolicyとTechnologyの橋渡しをしたい、という気持ちが抑えきれず、大学院修了後にはIT業界に転職しました。現在は、ITプラットフォーム企業の渉外として、よりよい社会を作るべく、官民が連携したルールメイキングが行えるよう日々勉強を続けています。