Results1 Research

1 Research

1-1 Results directly derived from SciREX (Science for REdesigning Science, Technology and Innovation Policy) project and STIG (Science, Technology and Innovation Governance) program

STIG professor’s research topics: Coevolution Implementation Program (Phase III)

(Coevolution Implementation Program

1. Promotion of bio-manufacturing that enables bioeconomy: Visualization of policy challenges and institutional design

Makiko MATSUO (Project Associate Professor, UTokyo), October 2023 – March 2026 (Scheduled)


The project aims to identify policy challenges in seamlessly connecting policy from upstream R&D to downstream social implementation in "enabling bioeconomy society by promoting bio-manufacturing", and explore institutional design, with the collaboration/cooperation among relevant ministries, including the MEXT, the Cabinet Office and the METI, and academia, thereby contributing to solving social challenges.

[Lectures & Presentations]

  • Makiko Matsuo (Invited) “Toward Realization of a Bioeconomy Society: International Trends and Challenges for Japan,” 14th “Functional Bio” Mini Symposium “Can Microalgae Save the Earth?: Creation of Microalgal Biorefinery Realizing Low CO2 and Low Environmental Loads,” 27th March, 2024, Yasuda Auditorium of the University of Tokyo, Japan.
  • Makiko Matsuo (Invited address) “International Policy Trends and ELSI/RRI (Responsible Research Innovation) Regarding Synthetic Biology and Bio-Manufacturing,” 2023 Hiroshima Bio-Digital Transformation Forum, 1st March, 2024, Hiroshima University Innovation Plaza, Japan.
  • Makiko Matsuo (invited) "Sharing Japanese experience of genome-edited products and implication for emerging technology governance" presented at iGEM GRAND JAMBOREE, Session 2 Policy & Governance for Navigating Emerging Technologies, Policy & Governance: Facing Emerging Technologies, 2nd Nov, 2023, Paris Expo - Porte de Versailles, Paris, France.

2. Japan's policy for space situational awareness to ensure the sustainable use of outer space

Kazuto Suzuki (Professor, UTokyo), October 2023 – March 2026 (Scheduled)


In order to ensure the long-term sustainability of Japan's space activities, we will identify policy approaches that can ensure both maintaining Japan's autonomy and contributing to build an international framework of space situational awareness(SSA) activities by reviewing Japan's SSA capabilities and its potential for international cooperation.


  • Elvis, Martin & Jah, Moriba & Nesvold, Erika & Suzuki, Kazuto, " Shaping the ethical, sustainable and policy-driven future of space exploration", February 2024, Nature Reviews Materials, 2024/02/09, DOI: 10.1038/s41578-023-00636-z

3. Development of objective methodologies for planning mission-inspired STI policies and R&D strategies

Nobuyuki Hirakawa (Professor, Osaka University) and Koji Kimita (Project Associate Professor), October 2023 – March 2026 (Scheduled)


Our project aims to develop the methods of large-scale data analysis and transdisciplinary engagement for generating objective evidence with explanatory, verifiable, and inclusive properties that can be widely used in decision processes of mission-inspired R&D strategies in emerging and converging research areas. The development of methods and the evaluation and verification of their effectiveness will be carried out in collaboration and co-evolutionary relationships with the relevant divisions within the MEXT and with research funding agencies.

[Coevolution Implementation Program (Phase II) Coevolution Implementation Stage] April 2021–March 2023

Japanese framework for university-led space technology development and utilization capacity building in emerging countries in the post/with-corona era and its development potential
Research implementers: Quentin Verspieren (University of Tokyo), Hideaki Shiroyama (University of Tokyo), Shinichi Nakasuka (University of Tokyo), Yuichiro Nagai (Nihon University), and Space Development and Utilization Division, Research and Development Bureau, MEXT
Outline: We focus on the role of Japanese universities in training human resources for developing and utilizing space technologies, compare and analyze it with that of other countries and sectors, and investigate how Japanese universities should coordinate with related government organizations in order to implement such activities continuously and its feasibility.


  • Verspieren, Q., Phong, D.X., Shimmi, N., Nagai, Y., Nakasuka, S. and Shiroyama, H. (2022), “Contribution of academic and research collaborations to diplomacy and trade: examples and lessons from space capacity building”, 33rd International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, Beppu-Oita, Japan: The Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences.


  • Verspieren, Q. (2021), ‘Investigating university-led space technology development and utilisation capacity building programs’. 8th Virtual UNISEC-Global Meeting, Online, 17 April.
  • Verspieren, Q. (2021), ‘Life Extension Technologies: Technological Feasibility and Regulatory Aspects on On Orbit Satellite Servicing’. CyFy 2021 – The Big Pause: Reclaiming our Tech Futures, Online, 21 October.
  • Verspieren, Q. (2021), ‘The role of universities in regional space capacity development’. Space Policy and Law Working Group, 27th Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Workshop, Online, 1 December.
  • Verspieren, Q. (2021), ‘Advancing space education in Asia-Pacific: best practices and policy challenges ahead’. Space Education 4 All Working Group, 27th Asia-Pacific Regional Space Agency Workshop, Online, 1 December.

[Coevolution Implementation Program (Phase II) Coevolution Implementation Stage] April 2021–March 2023

Public-private partnership for international rule formation and standardization that contributes to the overseas expansion of Japanese space debris-related technologies
Research implementers: Kazuto Suzuki (University of Tokyo), Hideaki Shiroyama (University of Tokyo), Quentin Verspieren (University of Tokyo), Koichi Kikuchi (University of Tokyo), and Space Development and Utilization Division, Research and Development Bureau, MEXT
Outline: We will identify the technologies and services Japan is superior in in space debris removal services, list up the risks, and decide Japan’s approach for establishing and promoting international disciplines to support implementation of the services, rules and standards.


  • Kikuchi, K. (2023), “Possible approach to establish international rules of emerging space activities – risk-based approach and adaptive governance”, Journal of Space Safety Engineering, published online on 2 April 2023. DOI=10.1016/j.jsse.2023.03.004
  • Suzuki, K., Verspieren, Q., and Kikuchi, K. (2022), “Status of Development and Upgrade of Japanese National Space Situational Awareness Capabilities”, Conference Paper, 3rd IAA Conference on Space Situational Awareness, International Academy of Astronautics (IAA), IAA-ICSSA-22-0052.
  • Suzuki, K., Verspieren, Q., and Kikuchi, K. (2022), “Japan’s Approach to Transparency and Confidence-Building Measures on On-Orbit Servicing”, Conference Paper, 73th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), International Astronautical Federation (IAF), IAC-22,E3,4,2,x73050.
  • Suzuki, K., Kikuchi, K. and Verspieren, Q. (2022), “Japan’s Approach to Transparency and Confidence-Building Measures on Active Debris Removal Operations”, 8th Annual Space Traffic Management Conference 2022, Austin, Texas.


  • Suzuki, K. (2022), “Nature and Uses of the Outer Space Environment and Space Systems in Relation to Current and Future Threats by States to Space Systems”, Open-ended working group on reducing space threats through norms, rules and principles of responsible behaviours, the United Nations, Geneva (hybrid).
  • K. Suzuki, Q. Verspieren, K. Kikuchi, “Status of Development and Upgrade of Japanese National Space Situational Awareness Capabilities”, 3rd International Conference on Space Situational Awareness, International Academy of Astronautics (IAA), Madrid.
  • K. Suzuki, Q. Verspieren, K. Kikuchi, “Japan’s Approach to Transparency and Confidence-Building Measures on On-Orbit Servicing”, 73th International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Paris.
  • Kikuchi K. (2021), “Possible Approach to Establish International Rules of Emerging Space Activities - Risk-based Approach and Adaptive Governance, 11th IAASS Conference, International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety.
  • Suzuki K. (2021), “Developing capabilities for outer space monitoring and operations”, Paris Peace Forum.
  • Suzuki K. (2022), “Behavior Incentivizing, Monitoring, and Assessment”, 8th Annual Space Traffic Management Conference, International Academy of Astronautics.
  • Kikuchi K. (2021), “Consideration of Approaches for the Formation of Norms and Rules for Space Activities: Agreement on Commonly Applied Rules for In-Orbit Services”, Space Sciences and Technology Conference , The Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences.

[Coevolution Implementation Program (Phase II) Coevolution Implementation Stage] April 2021–March 2023

Government-academia co-formulation of R&D strategies for the future society
Research implementers: Hideyuki Hirakawa (Osaka University), Koji Kimita (University of Tokyo), and Office of Strategy Planning for Emerging and Convergence Research, Planning and Evaluation Division, Science and Technology Policy Bureau, MEXT
Outline: We aim to collaboratively research and develop theoretical and methodological foundations for ensuring the social relevance of missions for the formulation of mission-oriented R&D strategies and maximizing research results, and to feed back the findings to the strategy formulation work of the government.

[Coevolution Implementation Program (Phase II) Coevolution Implementation Stage] April 2021-March 2023

Case studies to substantiate and strengthen the data base for Ph.D. personnel, human resources policies, and graduate university reforms
Research implementers: Toshihiko Hoshino (National Institute of S&T Policy-NISTEP), Keiji Saito (National Institute of S&T Policy-NISTEP), Masayuki Takayama (National Institute of S&T Policy-NISTEP), Sotaro Shibayama (University of Tokyo, Lund University), Tohru Yoshioka-Kobayashi (Hitotsubashi University), Human Resources Policy Div., S&T Policy Bureau, MEXT Outline: To accommodate the Ph.D. holders with an environment where they can have regular staff positions in a variety of fields, including academia, industry, and government, we provide such data that contribute to the evidence that is the base for making strategic personnel policy package and the evaluation of various policies. This will make the PDCA cycle work properly, i.e., review the policies if they meet the investment, examine the need for an alternative policy, and ultimately maximize the investment in human resources policies.


  • Yoshioka-Kobayashi & Shibayama (2022) Determinants of PhD progression: student's abilities and lab local environment. Higher Education (
  • Yoshioka-Kobayashi, T., Shibayama, S., and Kawamura, M. (2022), “Outcomes of PhD Students with Full-time Working Experience: Heterogeneity in Career Choice and Knowledge Creation ”, NISTEP Discussion Paper, No. 207, National Institute of Science and Technology Policy, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.


  • Shibayama, S. & Yoshioka-Kobayashi, T. (2021) Master Student's Career Choice in Japan: Who is Employed, Continues to PhD, or Returns to PhD after Employment. Doctoral Education and the Private Sector: European Perspectives. May 4-5. University of Kassel & University of Gothenburg.

[Coevolution Implementation Program (Phase II) Coevolution Feasibility Study Stage] April 2021–March 2023

To identify various collaborations between natural sciences, art, human literature/social sciences, and visualize the incentives and outcomes
Research implementers: Hideaki Shiroyama (University of Tokyo), Toshiya Kobayashi (Kyushu University), Koji Kimita (University of Tokyo), Makiko Matsuo (University of Tokyo), Quentin Verspieren (University of Tokyo), Arina Tsukada (Whole Universe), Takashi Kiriyama (Tokyo University of the Arts), Daisuke Kanama (Kanazawa University), and Office for Policy Coordination, Policy Division, Minister’s Secretariat, MEXT
Outline: We will collect and analyze case studies of collaborations between art, natural science, human literature/social sciences, to come up with the participants’ incentives, outcomes, and frameworks. Based on the analysis-based suggestions, we will involve relevant MEXT bureaus and divisions to make clear the process for coming up with detailed trial actions.


  • Mikako Nishimura (October 2, 2022) “Art in Business Situations: Human Resources Development Using Visual Thinking Strategies,” 191st Workshop by the Association for Next Generation Higher Education (NextEdu-191), AY2022 3rd Workshop by the Association for International and Global Education (IE-2022/10), Online. (Shiroyama Project)

[Seminar for private companies, administration, local governments, etc.]

[Coevolution Implementation Project: Quentin Verspieren, Hideaki Shiroyama, and Yuichiro Nagai, “Empirical Research to Contribute to the Study of a Domestic Framework and Its Feasibility for Japanese University-led Space Technology Development and Utilisation Capacity Building Programmes in Emerging Countries,” April 2019–March 2021]

  • Quentin Verspieren, Yuichiro Nagai and Hideaki Shiroyama. “Evaluating Japanese University-Led Space Technology Development and Utilisation Capacity Building Programmes in Emerging Countries”. STIG Space Policy Report no. 1. Tokyo, Japan: Graduate School of Public Policy, The University of Tokyo, March 2021.
  • Quentin Verspieren, Takeshi Matsumoto, Yoshihide Aoyanagi, Takayoshi Fukuyo, Toshihiro Obata, Shinichi Nakasuka, George Kwizera and Joseph Abakunda. “Store and Forward 3U CubeSat Project TRICOM and Its Utilizations for Development and Education: the cases of TRICOM-1R and JPRWASAT,” Transactions of the Japanese Society for Aeronautical and Space Science 63(5), pp. 206-211, 2020.
  • Quentin Verspieren. “Historical Evolution of the Concept of Space Traffic Management since 1932: The Need for a Change of Terminology,” Space Policy, 2021.

[Coevolution Feasibility Study Stage: Hideaki Shiroyama and Makiko Matsuo, “Research to Contribute to the Study of Strategizing the Decision-making Process for Supporting Large-scale Projects,” April 2019–March 2020]

[Coevolution Feasibility Study Stage: Tohru Yoshioka-Kobayashi and Sotaro Shibayama, “Research to Contribute to the Analysis of the Current Situation Facing Young Researchers and to the Study of Supporting Attractive Career Planning,” April 2019–March 2020]

[Science of Science, Technology and Innovation Policy “Core Contents”]

[MEXT Research Theme and Inter-Institutional Collaboration: Sotaro Shibayama and Tohru Yoshioka-Kobayashi, “Industry-Government-Academia Collaboration for Innovation Creation: Knowledge Management and Institutional Design,” April 2016–March 2018]

  • Aminaka, H., Yoshioka-Kobayashi, T., “Nihon ni okeru crowdfunding wo tsujita kagaku kenkyu shien no doki [Determinants of Donations to a Scientific Research: An experimental study of motivations for crowdfunding in Japan],” The Journal of Science Policy and Research Management, 35(1), 77-95, 2020.
  • Yoshioka-Kobayashi, T., “Institutional factors for academic entrepreneurship in publicly owned universities in Japan: Transition from a conservative anti-industry university collaboration culture to a leading entrepreneurial university,” Science, Technology and Society, 24(3), 423-445, 2019.
  • Yoshioka-Kobayashi, T., “Daigaku gijutsu iten survey no data de dekiru koto [What we can do with the University Technology Transfer Survey data],” in University Network for Innovation and Technology Transfer, 2017 Edition of the University Intellectual Property Annual Report – University Technology Transfer Survey, 6-21, 2018.
  • Takahashi, M., Yoshioka-Kobayashi, T., “Nihon no URA no yakuwari no tayosa to sono haikei, sogoteki na rikai no tame no framework [Understanding URAs in Japan: A conceptual framework for unified comprehension to diversified roles of URAs],” The Journal of Science Policy and Research Management, 31(2), 223-235, 2016.
  • Yoshioka-Kobayashi, T., Takahashi, M. Examining public perception of the university-industry collaboration research by a split-run test: Pitfalls in academic technology transfer policy. Technology Transfer Society, The 2019 Technology Transfer Society Annual Conference, September 26-28, 2019, Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario: Canada, 2019.
  • Yoshioka-Kobayashi, T. "Education, Incubation, and Investment: Institutional Factors of Academic Entrepreneurship -- From a Case Study on The University of Tokyo," University-Industry Collaborations and Academic Entrepreneurship: East meets West, 5, Jun. 2017 (Bologna Business School: Bologna, Italy), 2017.

[FY2016 and FY2017: SciREX Center (GRIPS) Project Manager (PM) Assistant’s Support for Professor Morita’s Domains]

  • Masahiro Matsuura, organized meeting of the Study Group on Dialogue and Collaboration Methods: established a platform for collecting and exchanging information on dialogue and collaboration cases in the context of science, technology and innovation policymaking.
  • Masahiro Matsuura, organized the Co-Innovation Cases Sharing Workshop (July 7, 2017): held a workshop on sharing domestic case studies and the evolution of RRI in Japan.