- Hideaki Shiroyama“Takokukanshugi no resilience [The resilience of multilateralism],” Han-globalism Saiko: Kokusai Keizai Chitsujo wo Yurugasu Kikiyoin no Kenkyu “Sekai Keizai Kenkyukai” Chukan Hokokusho [Reconsidering Anti-globalism: Study of Crisis Factors that Shake the International Economic Order “Study Group on the World Economy” Interim Report], The Japan Institute of International Affairs, March 2018, pp. 145-149.
- Hideaki Shiroyama and Makiko Matsuo, “Kokusai kadai to shite no global health risk governance [Global health risk governance as an international issue],” Seisaku Vision Kenkyu Center Nenpo 2016 [Policy Alternatives Research Institute Annual Report 2016], pp. 16-17, 2017.
- Taketoshi Taniguchi, Hideaki Shiroyama, “Long-term and Cross-sectoral Management of Interconnected Events: The Case of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident”, International Relations and Diplomacy, Vol. 5-9, September 2017, pp. 521-533.
- Masahiro Sugiyama, Hiroshi Deguchi, Arisa Ema, Atsuo Kishimoto, Junichiro Mori, Hideaki Shiroyama, Roland W. Scholz, “Unintended Side Effects of Digital Transition: Perspectives of Japanese Experts,” Sustainability, Vol. 9, No. 12, 2017, pp. 2193-2212, peer reviewed.
- Makiko Matsuo, “Dai 7 sho Fukugo risk to shite no Ebola shukettsunetsu: Tayona risk-kan no sogorenkan to global health risk governance no kadai ni kansuru yobiteki kosatsu [Chapter 7 Ebola hemorrhagic fever as a complex risk: A preliminary study on the interconnections between various risks and challenges for global health risk governance],” Fukugo Risk Governance Risk Fukan Map, Ryoiki betsu Jirei Hikaku, Seidoteki Sentakushi Kenkyu Seika Hokokusho [Complex Risk Governance: Risk Mapping, Sector based Comparative Case Studies, Institutional Options Report on Research Results], FY2013–FY2015 Basic Research (A) No. 25245018 (project director: Hideaki Shiroyama), 2017, pp. 99-115.
- Makiko Matsuo, “9-3-3 Shakai jisso to kadai [9-3-3 Social implementation and issues],” Rin no Jiten [Encyclopedia of Phosphorous], Asakura Publishing, 2017, pp. 328-329.
- Makiko Matsuoand Atsuo Kishimoto, “Shinko gijutsu governance no tame no seisaku process ni okeru shuho approach no odanteki bunseki [A cross-sectional analysis of the methods and approaches used in policy processes for emerging technology governance],” Sociotechnica, Vol. 14, 2017, pp. 84-94.
- Masashi Tachikawa, Makiko Matsuo, “Australia no kiseikaitei oyobi kongo no genome henshu gijutsu wo meguru seisaku kadai [Australian policy on genome editing and other issues],” Agricultural Biotechnology, Vol. 3, No. 7, 2019, pp. 32-35.
- Masahiro Matsuura, “Rensai: Transition management no jidai [Column: The era of transition management],” Chiho Gyosei [Local Administration], 2017.
- Masahiro Matsuura, “Transition management ni yoru kankyo kozo tenkan no kangaekata to hohoron [Approaches and methodologies for environmental structural transformation through transition management],” Environmental Information Science, Vol. 46, No. 4, 2017, pp. 17-22.
- Masahiro Matsuura, “Chuseibu taiheiyo magurorui iinkai ni okeru boundary work: Kanrikijunchi no kagaku [Boundary work in the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission: The science of control thresholds],” Review of Governance Studies, No. 13, 2017, pp. 17-38.
http://hdl.handle.net/10291/18861 - Masahiro Kakuwa, “The Scenario Approach to Risk Management as Applied to Geopolitical Risks,” Japan SPOTLIGHT, March/April 2017.
- Daiya Isogawaand Hiroshi Ohashi, “Iryokiki ryutsu ni okeru kyososei: Uekomigata shinzo pacemaker wo rei ni [Bargaining and competitiveness in delivery system of medical device: The case of cardiac pacemakers in Japan],” No. 2687, Social Security Review, September 2017.
- Yarime, Masaru, "Facilitating data-intensive approaches to innovation for sustainability: opportunities and challenges in building smart cities," Sustainability Science, 12 (6), 881-885 (2017).
- Yarime, Masaru, and Yasuko Kameyama, “Energy and Climate Change: Resilience and Innovation for Sustainable Development,” in Norichika Kanie, ed., What are the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Agenda for Transformation towards 2030 (in Japanese), Tokyo: Minerva Shobo, 141-161 (2017).
- Yarime, Masaru, “Sustainability Innovation through Stakeholder Collaboration: Platform Creation and Societal Experimentation,” in Kazuhiro Ueta and Minoru Shimamoto, eds., Green Innovation (in Japanese), Tokyo: Chuo Keizaisha, 53-76 (2017).
- Seokbeom Kwon, Kazuyuki Motohashi, "How institutional arrangements in the National Innovation System affect industrial competitiveness: A study of Japan and the U.S. with multiagent simulation", Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 115, 221-235, 2017.
- Shibayama, S. & Kobayashi, Y. Impact of PhD Training: a comprehensive analysis based on a Japanese national doctoral survey. Scientometrics, 113(1): 387-415, 2017.
- Impact of PhD Supervising Setting: A Comprehensive Analysis based on "Japan Doctoral Human Resource Profiling, JD-Pro" Shibayama, S. & Kobayashi, Y., 2017 Jul 1, Tokyo: National Institute of Science and Technology Policy, 25 p. (Discussion Paper; no. 150).
- Hu, W., T. Yoshioka-Kobayashi, and T. Watanabe, "Impact of patent litigation on the subsequent patenting behavior of the plaintiff small and medium enterprises in Japan," International Review of Law and Economics, 51, 23-28, 2017.
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0144818817300182 - Tohru Yoshioka-Kobayashi, “Outbound & inbound gata no gijutsu innovation: Spillover shita gijutsu chishiki ga moto no soshiki ni oyobosu eikyo ni tsuite no shikoteki bunseki [An outbound-inbound technology innovation: A preliminary empirical study of the effects of knowledge spillovers on originating firms],” Journal of Intellectual Property Association of Japan, Vol. 14, No. 1, 2017, pp. 25-42.
https://www.ipaj.org/bulletin/backnumber/JIPAJ14-1/p25-42.html. 2017 - Tohru Yoshioka-Kobayashi and Atsushi Akiike, “Kokusaiteki design-sho jushoseihin ni taisuru chitekizaisanken ni yoru hogo no jittai kara mierumono: Design innovation no seika wa ishoseido ni yori hogo sareteirunoka? [Consistency between ‘good’ industrial designs and intellectual property systems: Survey on global industrial design protections on international design award winning products],” Journal of Intellectual Property Association of Japan, Vol. 13, No. 3, 2017, pp. 39-54.
1 Research
1-2 Results related to science, technology and innovation governance achieved by STIG project members
Papers (peer-reviewed papers, invited papers, university bulletins, etc.) and reports
Book reviews and introductions in academic journals and technical books, and interview articles
Lectures and panelist appearances at academic conferences and other events