
【開催報告】第87回STIG PoP Seminar/第123回GSDMプラットフォームセミナー「Recent Development of Transition Governance for Sustainability at Global, EU and local level」

【報告】Professor Derk Loorbach introduced some of the work being conducted by the Dutch Research Institute for Transitions (DRIFT). Since its foundation in 2004, they have been working on guiding and accelerating sustainability transitions. Transition governance aims for a process of structural, non-linear systemic change in dominant cultures, structures and practices (regime) that takes place over a period of decades (Rotmans et al, 2001, Grin et al, 2010). How to realize them is the object of study for DRIFT. Emerging transformative innovations involve build-up the sustainable, transform the existing, phase out the undesired, so to end in guiding direction, reflexivity, and learning. Prof. Loorbach explained how transition governance has been adopted in several actual cases such as the Convention on Biological Diversity, the European Union Green Deal, and many of the initiatives being taken by Rotterdam City with urban mobility. Through this seminar participants were able to learn how transition governance allows for “acupuncture” for structural change.(Daniel del Barrio, Research fellow, IFI, UTokyo)

日時:2020年 1月18日(土) 10:30~12:00
会場:(公財) 国際文化会館 Conference Room 2
〒106‐0032 東京都港区六本木5‐11‐16 ☎03-3470-4611

共催:東京大学公共政策大学院 科学技術イノベーション政策の科学(STIG)教育・研究ユニット、社会構想マネジメントを先導するグローバルリーダー養成プログラム(GSDM)


【講演者】Derk Loorbach氏
Director, The Dutch Research Institute For Transitions
Professor, Socio-economic Transitions, Faculty of Social Science
Erasmus University, Rotterdam

【概要】Transition governance is increasingly institutionalized now that for example the UN biodiversity convention, the European Commission (with the recent Green Deal) and many cities push towards transformative change.
At the same time ecological crises, populist politics and (global) socio-economic instabilities are increasing and destabilizing dominant economic development patterns. Transition governance as theoretical approach and transition management as operational strategy for transformative change has evolved since around 2000 towards a nuanced understanding of the drivers, patterns and mechanisms that drive or block transformative change on the longer-term. It also has evolved into a more evolutionary governance strategy in which increased societal turbulence leads to increased attention to top-down, regulatory governance, and the psychology of transitions. In the seminar recent examples of transition governance at global European and local level will be presented as well as the possible implications for Japan. The seminar will include a lecture but also offers space for discussion and question and answers with the lecturer.
