
【6月20日開催】第66回STIG PoPセミナー/透明性メカニズムと利益相反の規制-医薬品の場合

“Transparency mechanisms and conflict of interest regulation. The case of pharmaceuticals”

■日時:2018年 6月20日(水)9:30~11:00
■場所:東京大学本郷キャンパス 小島ホール 第1セミナー室
■申込み:事前登録が必要です。こちらの フォーム から。



今回のセミナーでは、フランス国立保健医療研究所(Inserm)およびIRIS(超領域社会問題研究所)のリサーチ・フェローであるボリス・オレイ先生をお迎えして、COIの簡単な歴史から、「透明性メカニズム」が医薬品の研究開発や企業・研究者間に与えうる影響についてお話し頂いた。フランスで施行された法律の実施状況についても触れて、こうした取り組みの社会的意味合いやその他のセクター(例えば、金融業や原子力・化学産業など)への影響などについても質疑応答があり、活発なディスカッションが行われた。(報告者:小舘尚文, UCD School of Social Policy, Social Work and Social Justice, University College Dublin / アイルランド国立大学ダブリン校)

Abstract: For more than two decades, conflict of interest controversies have rocked the field of pharmaceuticals and have undermined trust in scientific knowledge, prescription practices and public regulation. The establishment (or reinforcement) of policies aimed at disclosing the financial ties between pharmaceutical firms on the one side, and researchers, experts, administrative and political officials, healthcare professionals or patient organisations on the other, has been the main response to this political and scientific issue. Dr Hauray’s presentation will question the capacity of these “transparency mechanisms” to provide an answer to the growing concern about the influence of pharmaceutical firms over research in medicine.

First, it will provide a brief history of conflict of interest disclosure policies in the domain of pharmaceuticals and identify the main properties of transparency brought forward to justify their adoption. It will then analyse the political dynamics explaining the adoption in 2011 in France of a law creating an online public database of the financial relationships between healthcare-related manufacturing companies and the other actors of the sector. Finally, it will discuss the conflicts and doubts raised by the implementation of this law, and examine its first effects on the relationships between healthcare professionals and industry, but also on social mobilisation and the public debate.

Speaker: Dr Boris Hauray
Research fellow at the National Institute for Health and Medical Research (Inserm) and member of the Interdisciplinary Research Institute on Social Issues, IRIS (CNRS- Inserm- EHESS-Université Paris 13).
