The 9th Policy Platform Seminar
Transition management:
science, governance and entrepreneurship for sustainability transitions
【参加お申込み:registration formから】
講師:Prof. Derk Loorbach
(エラスムス大学准教授, Dutch Research Institute for Transitions, Director )
This lecture will introduce the transition management approach as it has developed over the last decade in Europe and beyond. Transition management is a governance approach that brings together buisness, science, policy and civil society in new ways to guide and accelerate major systemic changes in society towards sustainability. The transition perspective shows that most of the urgent sustainability challenges cannot be solved only by new technologies, top-down policies or market-based innovation. Rather, transitions are fundamental systemic changes in the way that we have organized and institutionalized societal systems such as energy, food, health care, education and welfare.
As the global changes and pressures combined with bottom-up innovations
increasingly show the pathways to possible sustainable futures, the core
challenge becomes how to collectively shift our cultures, structures and
practices in this direction. This lecture will present the theory as well as
practical examples how such major transitions to sustainability can be analyzed and influenced, through research, policy, entrepreneurship and social innovation.
主催:東京大学 科学技術イノベーション政策の科学(STIG)教育・研究ユニット
※科学技術イノベーション政策の科学教育プログラムでは、産・官・学をつなぐプラットフォーム構築の場として、Policy Platform Seminar(PoPセミナー)を開催しています。
参考URL:Dutch Research Institute for Transitions