
【終了しました】第7回Policy Platform Seminar/イノベーション・マネジメントセミナー開催

第7回 Policy Platform Seminar
“China’s innovation system and middle income trap: international comparison”

日時:2013年5月22日(水)17:00 – 18:30
講演者:Keun Lee, Professor at Economics Department, Seoul National University
DSC00521 (1024x683)
17:00-17:05 開会挨拶
   東京大学技術経営戦略学専攻 元橋一之
17:05-18:00 研究発表
China’s innovation system and middle income trap: international comparison
Keun Lee, Professor at Economics Department, Seoul National University
18:05-18:30 Q&A+ディスカッション

Numerous studies have focused on the poverty trap; although several studies propose that developing countries can take off by targeting industries with comparative advantages, few discuss the issue of sustaining growth after the initial spurt of development. Thus, this study questions which factors lead to sustainable growth, and which factors cause a short-lived catch-up,particularly for middle-income developing countries. Using a neo-Schumpeterian perspective, the study examines the diverse aspects of innovation systems, which include the localization of knowledge creation and diffusion, the concentration of knowledge creation among inventors or sectors, as well as the cycle times and originality of technologies.
Empirical analysis shows that successful catching-up economies and their firms specialize in short-cycle technologies, thereby promoting the localization of knowledge diffusion and creation as well as enabling further development based on indigenous capabilities. This is a rational strategy because sectors with shorter technological cycle times see the frequent emergence of new technologies as existing ones rapidly become obsolete.
Thus, latecomer economies need not master existing technologies dominated by the advanced economies, which tend to be more active in sectors with longer cycle times. (http://www.aomevents.com/media/files/ISS%202012/Lee.pdf)


※科学技術イノベーション政策の科学教育プログラムでは、産・官・学をつなぐプラットフォーム構築の場として、Policy Platform Seminar(PoPセミナー)を開催しています。