
【開催報告】第33回PoPセミナー:日本におけるスマートシティ – 政策的意味合いの考察

日本におけるスマートシティ – 政策的意味合いの考察
“Smart cities in Japan – reflections on policy implications”

講師: Dr. Roy Nyberg, キヤノン財団フェロー, 東京大学公共政策大学院客員研究員
日時: 2015年6月5日(金) 16:30 – 18:00
会場: 経済学研究科学術交流棟・小島ホール第2セミナー室

16:30-16:35 開会挨拶
 東京大学公共政策大学院 鎗目 雅
16:35-17:35 研究発表
 Smart Cities in Japan – Reflections on Policy Implications
Dr. Roy Nyberg, Canon Foundation Fellow, Graduate School of Public Policy, University of Tokyo, Japan, and Research Associate, Institute of Science, Innovation and Society, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
17:35-18:00 質疑応答 + ディスカッション
In this presentation Dr. Nyberg considered the emergence of the concept of ‘smart cities’, through the efforts of various types of organisations active in this area, and what are some of the policy implications that this phenomenon may have. He grounded the main discussion by first describing some of the conceptualisations of smart cities. Although there is no one widely accepted definition, this concept is frequently seen as a way to achieve efficiencies in utility services such as energy, water, waste and transport. He also briefly summarised some of the main concerns discussed in smart cities literature. He then described his on-going project on smart cities and what are the more prominent findings so far. In the last part of the presentation he related these findings and insights to first some of the organisation theory frameworks, and then to policy research frameworks, and considered what are possible policy implications. He concluded by reflecting on possible contributions to policy research, organisation theory and research methods.

Dr Roy Nyberg is a social scientist focusing on issues of management and organisations. He completed his doctoral studies at the University of Oxford in 2015. He currently holds a Visiting Research Fellowship funded by the Canon Foundation Europe at the Graduate School of Public Policy of the University of Tokyo, and a Research Associate post at the University of Oxford. His prior working career, in his native Finland, consists of project management positions in the airline industry and in regional government in technology and strategy development areas.
He also has experience as an entrepreneur in Internet and mobile services, as well as in advertising and in design. His research interests are in innovation, technology management, and entrepreneurship, and his current work at the University of Tokyo focuses on smart cities in Japan.
