04.26.2024 [Report] The 133rd STIG PoP Seminar “The 18th Bioeconomy Workshop (Practical Application) | Handling of Genomic Sequence Data and ABS (Part 2)”
03.04.2024 [Report] The 143rd STIG PoP Seminar “19th Practical Application: Japan’s Biotech Strategy and Policy Trends in Biotech Manufacturing”
01.16.2024 IFI EBPM in STI / STIG Policy Platform Seminar: The regional patterns of scientific knowledge production in European universities
12.01.2023 IFI EBPM in STI / STIG Policy Platform Seminar: Intellectual Property, Open science, and the Tragedy of anti-commons – 20 years of evidence
11.15.2023 IFI EBPM in STI/STIG Policy Platform Seminar: Technological trajectories: Antecedents predicting their diffusion over time and space