
[Feb 3rd, 2017]Genome-editing in Food and Agricultural Sector – US and EU perspectives

With the rapid evolvement of genome editing technique and its application in such fields as life science, agricultural and food products in recent years, much is now being debated on the new regulatory challenges posed by such developments.
By introducing the latest state of knowledge and the regulatory debates on the novel genome-editing techniques, particularly in the field of food and agricultural sector in the US and EU, this symposium considers the possible challenges in introducing such technology to society with global regulatory harmonization in mind. It explores the risk and benefit, positive and negative socio-economic impacts (ELSI, Ethical, Legal and Social Issues) entailed with emerging technologies and shed light on the governance issues to be addressed in the coming years.
For this purpose, the symposium invites two distinguished keynote speakers from the US and EU: Professor Jennifer Kuzma (North Carolina State University) and Dr. Jean-Christophe Pages (High Council of Biotechnology, Scientific Committee). A panel discussion will follow inviting two panelists, Prof. Masashi Tachikawa (Ibaraki University) and Prof. Atsuo Kishimoto (The University of Tokyo) moderated by Dr. Makiko Matsuo (The University of Tokyo).

Date and time: 3rd February (Fri), 2017 10:00-12:45
Venue: The University of Tokyo, The Daiwa Ubiquitous Computing Research Building
Language: English (English Japanese interpretation will be provided)
Advance registration is recessary: Registration form
*We will close the registration once the registered number reaches max number of attendees.

10:00-10:10 Opening Remarks
Prof. Masashi Tachikawa (Ibaraki University)
– Session 1 Keynotes – Application of genome editing in food and agricultural sector – social political and regulatory implication
10:10-11:00 Keynote 1 the US perspective
Dr. Jennifer Kuzma (North Carolina State University, USA)
11:00-11:50 Keynote 2 the EU perspective
Dr. Jean-Christophe Pages (High Council of Biotechnology, Scientific Committee, France)
11:50-12:00: Break
– Session 2 Panel Discussion
12:00-12:40 Comment by the panelists and Discussion
Panelists: Jennifer Kuzma (North Carolina State University), Jean-Christophe Pages (High Council of Biotechnology, Scientific Committee), Masashi Tachikawa (Ibaraki University) and Atsuo Kishimoto (The University of Tokyo)
Moderator: Makiko Matsuo (The University of Tokyo)
12:40-12:45 Closing remarks
Prof. Hideaki Shiroyama (The University of Tokyo)

Sponsored by:
JST Program on Open Innovation Platform with Enterprises, Research Institute and Academia (OPERA),
Consortium for industry-university cooperation in genome editing technology (Project Leader: Takashi Yamamoto, Ph.D)
Policy Alternatives Research Institute, the University of Tokyo (Technology Governance Policy Research Unit, Complex Risk Governance and Public Policy Unit)
Research project for Genomics-based Technology for Agricultural Improvement
GRA (GMO-Risk Analysis)
Science, Technology, and Innovation Governance (STIG), The University of Tokyo

Contact us:
STIG☆pp.u-tokyo.ac.jp(please replace ☆ to @)