
[Wed OCT 26] The 49th PoP Seminar: How to design future-proof regulations? Evidence-based Policymaking and Adjudication in Health

How to design future-proof regulations? The challenge is to integrate the best evidence available with public input. This presentation will discuss how evidence-based policy making may occur in the public health sector by focusing on some of the most controversial and experimental measures such as plain packaging for tobacco products, soda taxes and other economic inventives as well as nudges.

Date:Wednesday, October 26, 18:30-20:00
*Since this seminar will be held following the 5th period class “Case Study(Science, Technology and Innovation Policy), the venue will open after the class finished. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Speaker: Professor Alberto Alemanno, Law at HEC Paris
Venue: School of Law building, Room 204, The University of Tokyo
Open to all, upon registration

Related Resources
The New Intellectual Property of Health: Beyond Plain Packaging” (Edited by Alberto Alemanno and Enrico Bonadio)

Hosted by:
Science, Technology, and Innovation Governance(STIG), The University of Tokyo