
The 131st STIG PoP Seminar “Conceptualization of the Study of the New Space Economy”

開催報告:本セミナーでは、民間事業者の活躍に伴い活性化すると同時に国際的なガバナンスの移行期にあると考えられる宇宙活動について、新たな宇宙経済(ニュー・スペース・エコノミー)の概念化を通じて経済社会への影響や政策的な含意を定性的・定量的に分析する試みについて、講演が行われた。講演では、人工衛星やロケットの打ち上げ数、宇宙分野への投資のトレンド、OECDの統計データなどを基に、宇宙経済の輪郭を浮かび上がらせるとともに、アクターとサプライチェーンの構造的変化や宇宙開発利用に関する技術革新の状況などを基に、旧来の宇宙経済との差異を特定した。ニュー・スペース・エコノミーは、経済、雇用、技術にインパクトをもたらす一方、宇宙技術の急速かつ予測不能な発展や、経済規模やインパクトの計測方法の問題、国家予算・リソース配分の問題などの課題も存在する。質疑応答では、こうした課題を含め議論が行われた。(JAXA 宇宙航空研究開発機構/東京大学公共政策大学院 菊地 耕一)

There is considerable research on the dynamics of different industries. These generally pertain to the technological, economic, business, institutional, and policy dimensions. How relevant are these for the new space economy (NSE)? In this preliminary, work-in-progress presentation, I will first discuss the nature of NSE, second, broadly identify some of the key elements of the NSE by disaggregating it, and third analyze whether the new space economy offers opportunities for industry-type of analysis by critically examining the economic development implications in the twenty-first century.

Guest Speaker
Anthony P. D’Costa, Eminent Scholar in Global Studies and Professor of Economics, College of Business, The University of Alabama in Huntsville; Honorary Professor, Anthropology and Development Studies, University of Melbourne

Kazuto Suzuki, Professor, Graduate School of Public Policy (GraSPP), The University of Tokyo

28 June 2023, 17:00 – 18:00

SMBC Academia Hall, 4th Floor, IAR (International Academic Research) Bldg,
Hongo Campus, The University of Tokyo & Zoom online [Hybrid]


Science, Technology and Innovation Governance (STIG) Program


About the Speaker
Anthony P. D’Costa holds the position of Eminent Scholar in Global Studies and Professor of Economics at the University of Alabama in Huntsville and is an Honorary Professor of the University of Melbourne. In the last thirty-three years, he served as the Chair and Professor of Contemporary Indian Studies and Director of the Development Studies Program, University of Melbourne; the A.P. Moller-Maersk Professor of Indian Studies, Copenhagen Business School; Visiting Senior Fellow, National University of Singapore; and Professor of Comparative International Development, University of Washington. He has written or edited twelve books, nearly one hundred academic articles and book chapters, and delivered nearly two hundred lectures worldwide. He was a recipient of numerous fellowships, including the Abe from the Japan Foundation, which led to the 2016 book “International Mobility, Global Capitalism, and Changing Structures of Accumulation: Transforming the Japan-India IT Relationship”.

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Science, Technology, and Innovation Governance (STIG) Program
Graduate School of Public Policy, The University of Tokyo