
[Report/開催報告] The 2nd STIG Alumni x Students Reunion / 第2回STIG同窓会

[Report] On Saturday 15 October, STIG Education Program held “The 2nd STIG Alumni x Students Reunion” in-person style at SMBC Academia Hall, on the same day as UTokyo Homecoming Day. In total, twenty-three participants (Nine alumni, Seven current students and Seven professors/staff) joined this special event. Alumni, assigned by three different categories “Government”, “Industry-consulting” and “Academia” according to their profession, took part of mentor and gave advice to the current students who are also assigned by their research interest. They all enjoyed an open networking, through their intergenerational exchanges. Finally, each group discussed and provided suggestions toward the future development of the program.


More detailed info can be found on this page.

University-wide Graduate Education Program: Science, Technology, and Innovation Governance / 大学院横断型教育プログラム: 科学技術イノベーション政策の科学 The 2nd STIG Alumni x Students Reunion / 第2回STIG同窓会のご案内

Saturday, 15 October 2022, 13:00-15:00 @SMBC Hall, 4F, IARB, Hongo Campus, UTokyo
日時:2022年 10月15日(土)13時~15時
場所:東京大学本郷キャンパス国際学術総合研究棟 4F, SMBCアカデミアホール
Campus map: https://www.pp.u-tokyo.ac.jp/en/campus-map/
(In-person Only / 対面参加のみ)

“The 21th UTokyo Homecoming Day” & “GraSPP Alumni & Students Day 2022 (Sat. Oct 15 18:30-21:00 JST)” will also be held on the same day!
STIG同窓会は、第21回東京大学ホームカミングデー及び公共政策大学院の”GraSPP Alumni & Students Day 2022 (Sat. Oct 15 18:30-21:00 JST)”と同日開催です!

【Previous Registration/事前参加フォーム】
For alumni/修了生用:  https://forms.gle/cmDuGD5vZavJEGEc6
For current students/在校生用:  https://forms.gle/J1DY7SBW3yv7E5pg7

In April 2023, the STIG Program will celebrate its 10th anniversary. Proudly looking back at the work accomplished and at its large community of alumni and current students, the STIG program will be holding a two-hour event aimed at fostering intergenerational exchanges, reporting past STIG activities, and involving alumni in the future of the program. The event will be organized around three pillars:

Pillar 1: Mentoring, networking and intergenerational exchanges
Based on pre-registration, STIG alumni and current students will be divided into thematic groups in order for alumni to provide guidance and share the experiences they gathered as young professionals or former students. In addition, all participants will be able to enjoy an open networking session around coffee and drink.

Pillar 2: Past and future of the STIG Program
Happening at an important anniversary of the program, this event will be the occasion to look back at what has been accomplished so far and think together about the future of the STIG program through free and open exchanges between STIG faculties, alumni and current students.

Pillar 3: Alumni involvement in the STIG Program
It is critical for the present and future of the STIG Program to benefit from its extensive alumni community. Accordingly, this event will be the occasion to discuss the modalities of involvement of alumni in the activities of the STIG Program (e.g. direct mentoring, guest seminars).


STIGプログラムは 2023 年 4 月で10 周年を迎えます。 この度、現在までの STIG 活動を振り返るとともに、今後のプログラム設計に向けて修了生にもご協力いただき、修了生および在校生の交流促進を目的とした 同窓会を下記の通り2 時間にわたり開催します。本イベントは、以下3 つの柱を中心に構成されます。 

1: メンタリング、ネットワーキング、修了生と在校生による世代間交流

2: STIG プログラム:今までとこれから
プログラム発足10周年を記念すべく、教員―修了生―在校生間の自由で開かれた交流を通じてこれまでの成果を振り返り、STIG プログラムの将来について皆で一緒に考えていきたいと思います。

3: 修了生のSTIG プログラムへの関わり
STIG プログラムの現在および将来にとって、広がりつつある修了生コミュニティから有益な情報をご提供いただくことが極めて重要となっています。この度の同窓会を通して、修了生が STIG プログラム活動に今後どう関与していくことができるか (直接メンター制、ゲストセミナー等) について議論できれば幸いです。


Outline of the reunion / 当日のスケジュール:
MC: Professor Makiko Matsuo, STIG Program/司会進行:松尾 真紀子先生

13:00 – 13:15 Opening remarks and reporting of STIG activities / 開会挨拶・STIG近況報告
Professor Hideaki Shiroyama, Director, STIG Program / STIG代表 城山 英明先生

13:15 – 13:20 Presentation of mentoring activity / メンター活動についての説明
Dr. Quentin Verspieren, STIG Program / ヴェルスピレン カンタン先生

13:20 – 13:50 Mentoring activity, by field / 分野別メンター活動
@SMBC Hall and 12F rooms / 4F SMBCアカデミアホール及び12F演習室にて

13:50 – 14:35 General networking with coffee / 休憩・交流会

14:35 – 14:55 Q&A and discussion on the STIG Program / STIGプログラムのこれからについてー質疑応答・討論会
Moderator: Professor Makiko Matsuo, STIG Program / モデレータ:松尾 真紀子先生

14:55 – 15:00 Closing remarks/ 閉会挨拶
Professor Sotaro Shibayama, STIG Program / 柴山 創太郎先生