
STIG course models: 4 examples classified by academic interest and career path

Below is an example of Representative Course Models for reference:
*( ) shows number of credits

●Case 1: Engineering student (Critical Infrastructure & Strategy: Multidisciplinary Policymaker)
The functioning of modern states heavily relies on the proper management and resilience of complex and critical infrastructures (e.g. energy and communication grids), requiring policymakers to develop a multidisciplinary expertise through STIG education.
*Required: Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy (2)
*Basic a: Science, Technology and Public Policy (2)
*Basic b: Economic Analysis of Public Sector (2)
o Global Business Strategy and Policy (2)
o Overview of Energy Systems (2)
o Advanced Lecture on Resilience Engineering (2)

●Case 2: GraSPP student (Advanced Science & Policy Analysis: Science and Technology Policy Researcher)
With the increasing reliance of our societies on advanced technologies (space, new energies, medical), science and technology policy researchers now require an acute understanding of the face-paced evolution of high-level scientific research, knowledge made available by the STIG program.
*Required: Case Study(Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy) (2)
*Basic a: Science,Technology and Public Policy (2)
*Basic b: Economic Analysis of Innovation (2)
o Overview of Energy Systems (2)
o Space Development and Public Policy (2)
o Case Study (Project Based Learning on the Medical, Environmental and IT Innovation and the Role of Public Policy) (2)

●Case 3: Engineering student (Business & Innovation Management: Technology and Innovation Consultant)
The accelerating integration of advanced technology in all areas of the economy requires business consultants able to navigate national laws and policies on innovation and intellectual property management. The STIG program proposes numerous lectures on innovation management.
*Required: Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy (2)
*Basic a: Science, Technology and Public Policy (2)
*Basic b: Quantitative Methods for Management and Policy Analysis (4)
o International Intellectual Property Management (2)
o Global Business Strategy and Policy (2)

●Case 4: GraSPP student (High Technology & Regulatory Policy: Technical Specialist in Regulatory Agency)
The quick advancement of high-level science and technology in all sectors of society prompts governments to hire and train regulatory experts with wide-ranging knowledge, which is one of the primary missions of the STIG program.
*Required: Case Study(Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy) (2)
*Basic a: Policy Process and Negotiation (2)
*Basic b: Political Economics (2)
o Science, Technology and Public Policy (2)
o Advanced Study of Science & Technology (2)
o Case Study (Institutions and Methods of Health Technology Assessment in Healthcare Policy) (2)