All the UTokyo graduate school students can apply!
As part of the joint education program within “Science for RE-designing Science, Technology and Innovation Policy”(SciREX), we organize a summer camp jointly with the six core universities every year. The summer camp offers an excellent opportunity to discuss common themes, exchange views and perspectives, and interact with other participants having diverse backgrounds. It also aims at promoting network formation among students studying in different universities.
[Overall Topic] STI Policy for Challenges
– Group Theme (You will belong to one of the following groups) –
English speaking group is No.2
1. 基礎研究と臨床をつなぐトランスレーショナル・リサーチの促進
2. Access to Medicine under Doha Declaration and TRIPS Agreement
3. データで解析する科学技術イノベーション
4. (仮)廃プラスチック問題解決のためのイノベーションと政策
5. 行政におけるデータ活用とダイバーシティ
6. 高齢社会の医療費の行方
7. Aging in Placeの実現に向けた地域コミュニティ形成
8. 過疎地域における生物多様性保全
9. SDGs実現に向けたバイオエコノミーのためのELSIとガバナンスの課題を探る
10. 児童虐待の根絶-科学技術に何ができるか2
11. Society5.0時代に向けた海洋分野のイノベーション
[Date] Mon 26 – Wed 28 August, 2019 (3 days, 2 nights)
[Venue] GRIPS, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies, Tokyo
[Stay] Hotel Asia Center of Japan
[Participants] Aprox. 90 students/professors/staffs from GRIPS, UTokyo, Hitotsubashi Univ, Osaka Univ, Kyoto Univ, and Kyushu Univ.
[Fee] Accommodation & Transport expense provided by UTokyo
■Application method: Click here for easy application. You may also email us to, by specifying your Name, Graduate school name, Academic year, and preferred date&time (choose two preferable dates among 11,12,24,25 June) for interview.
■Deadline: Thursday, June 20
Contact and Inquiries:
Office for STIG