分野別研究科目 選択科目

科目名 49. Case Study (Institutions and Methods of Health Technology Assessment in Healthcare Policy)
科学技術政策研究:政治学系(Institutions and Methods of Health Technology Assessment in Healthcare Policy)
開設研究科:公共政策学 博士課程
担当教員 鎌江 伊三夫
使用言語 英語
単位数 2単位
教室 授業の実施形態(教室の場合は教室名、オンラインの場合はURL)については、UTASまたはITC-LMSから科目ごとに確認してください。
解説 ・Students learn about Health Technology Assessment (HTA) institutions in the world and develop the HTA literacy with global standards, which is required for public policy-making and business in healthcare.
・A group of two or three students is asked to perform a short presentation regarding one institution assigned in advance (for example, NICE in the UK), and the presentation is followed by class discussions.
・International HTA experts in Asia, the US or Europe are invited in several classes to give their lectures online.