展開科目 選択科目

科目名 25. Global Business Strategy and Policy
担当教員 元橋 一之
使用言語 英語
単位数 2単位
教室 授業の実施形態(教室の場合は教室名、オンラインの場合はURL)については、UTASまたはITC-LMSから科目ごとに確認してください。
解説 This course covers some essentials on “global business”, such as global strategy, strategic alliance (JV with local companies) and marketing strategy. The course is organized by combining lectures on theory, case method teaching and guest speaker talks to foster students’ problem solving abilities in a real business world. In addition, a focus is put on emerging economies, particularly China and India. In order to facilitate effective interactive process in case based teaching, a number of enrolled students could be restricted to 30-35 people. In this process, students in the TMI departments as well as those in TMI sub-major have some priority.