基礎科目(b):エビデンス構築手法論 選択必修科目

科目名 11. Quantitative Methods for Management and Policy Analysis
担当教員 西野 成昭
森 純一郎
柴崎 隆一
浅谷 公威
使用言語 英語
単位数 4単位
教室 授業の実施形態(教室の場合は教室名、オンラインの場合はURL)については、UTASまたはITC-LMSから科目ごとに確認してください。
解説 This course aims to acquire several mathematical methods concerning management and policy analysis. For example, a method related to optimization gives you good insights when considering a sort of planning or managerial issues. Policymaking issues are applicable as well. Theories related to decision-making are also very useful for management and policy issues. Such a theory with a mathematical basis becomes fundamentals for those analyses. In addition, the recent development of ICT enables the use of big data and thereby skills treating such kinds of data are essential. Simulation technique is also very useful. Against these backgrounds, this course is comprised of the following five parts: (1) optimization, (2) decision theory, (3) simulation, (4) information processing technique, and (5) transportation model and analysis. An exercise style is additionally included as a part of the course. The first half of each time gives you its content with a lecture-style; then, in the second half, you tackle related problem-solving exercises, aiming at developing your proficiency in those methods.