基礎科目(a):政策プロセス・制度論 選択必修科目
科目名 | 5. | Science, Technology and Public Policy 開設研究科:公共政策学教育部 科目番号:5112131 |
科学技術政策研究:政治学系(Science, Technology and Public Policy) 開設研究科:公共政策学 博士課程 科目番号:5171105 |
国際安全保障研究:政治学系(Science,Technology and Public Policy) 開設研究科:公共政策学 博士課程 科目番号:5175006 |
Science, Technology and Public Policy 開設研究科:工学系研究科 科目番号:3792-146 |
環境・技術政策過程論 開設研究科:新領域創成科学研究科 科目番号:47190-41 |
担当教員 | 城山 英明 松尾 真紀子 アルベルト・アルマンノ |
配当学期 /時間 |
A2 /月5限[16:50-18:35]、水4限[14:55-16:40] |
使用言語 | 英語 | |
単位数 | 2単位 | |
教室 | 授業の実施形態(教室の場合は教室名、オンラインの場合はURL)については、UTASまたはITC-LMSから科目ごとに確認してください。 | |
解説 | The development and diffusion of science innovative technologies is indispensable for modern society. However, despite its benefits, the development of science and technology is not without various risks and social problems. So far as we are going to make societal decisions for the use of science and technologies with diverse social implications that encompass both risks and benefits, sometimes involving values implications, there is a need for mechanisms of decision making and management of the development and utilization of science and technology. Decisions can be different depending on environmental, institutional and cultural conditions. In addition, innovative policy instruments/ mechanisms to deal with rapidly changing science and technology, including regulatory measures, are required for implementing decisions. This course will deal with wide range of issues from local to global levels faced at the interface areas between science, technology and public policy from comparative perspective of Japan, the US and Europe. It offers key theoretical issues surrounding Science and Technology and provides students with the tools and frameworks, such as risk assessment/ management and transition management, to analyze them. This course invites students from both natural science backgrounds (i.e. the graduate school of engineering, new frontier science and so on) and social science backgrounds (graduate school of public policy, law and politics, and economics and public policy). We expect students to acquire interdisciplinary perspective in addition to their primary major, which is one of the critical skill in analyzing complex social technical issues posed by science and technology. |