Applied courses Electives

Title 27. Case Study (Business Environment, Stakeholders and Issues; a Learning Experience in Collaboration with Japanese Industry)
Held by the Graduate School of: Public Policy
Number: 5140486
Instructor KUMON Takashi
Schedule S1S2
/ Thu. 5th[16:50~18:35]
Language English
Credit 2
Room Please check the venue (online / classroom location) by each course on UTAS or ITC-LMS.
Abstract The objectives of this course are to give course attendants hands-on experiences of business modus operandi of Japanese companies, and to ask the attendants to follow small scale researches on particular themes on Japanese companies/industries.
This course was established in 2015 in response to the call from GraSPP international students for more to learn and be exposed to the Japanese business society.
The ultimate aim of the course is to offer the attendants an opportunity to learn business culture and operation of globalized, or globalizing Japanese companies. Hence, the attendants are very much deserved to be critical and argumentative however; the organizer of the course would like to ask them for due respects to the companies.
The organizer of the course has a variety of experience in business and governmental organization to support overseas business of Japanese companies. However; the attendants will not expect the organizer to do full lectures on theories and methods of business practices, which can be learned by reading boring books for MBA courses, plenty of them.
This is a very practical course, rare in the university.
The attendants will expect hard work!